by Admin | Feb 5, 2021 | Photography
I am constantly fascinated by coral reefs and the various processes that occur on reefs which ensure their growth, survival and, above all, keep on allowing them to support such a staggering diversity of... by Admin | Feb 2, 2021 | Photography
Like most folks with a passion for diving and underwater photography I’ve been going a little stir crazy, something I may have mentioned from time-to-time in recent posts. The curbs on travel that a lot of us are facing mean my only interaction with the... by Admin | Jan 28, 2021 | Photography
Taking images underwater is hard. Or should that be: taking good images underwater is hard? Photographers like myself spend a lot of time and money to try to get the best shots we can. Sometimes we seek perfection for its own sake, sometimes we need to get it right... by AquaNerd | Jan 16, 2021 | Photography, Reef
Camera Phone Filters have become very popular and Orphek has reconized this with the introduction of their new Optical Filter Glass Lens Kit. by Admin | Jan 13, 2021 | Invertebrates, Photography
One of the corals I shoot the most isn’t really a coral at all. I imagine most folks reading this are familiar with the Millepora genus, but I suspect most of my fellow divers think it’s just another... by Admin | Jan 8, 2021 | Photography
After a recent post about photographing soft corals and using images of a reef full of dendronephthya, I was left with a folder of images on my desktop that really make me itch to be back in the...