by ReefNews | Aug 17, 2019 | DIY, Podcast
EcoTech gets in on the dosing game, Unusual coral spawning event and Just Do It (yourself) Reef News edition. This week Jeremy is getting the big tank squared away and raising the salinity. Peter battles on against algae outbreaks. All this and more on Episode 75 of the Reef News Network! Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Upcoming Events: Reef-A-Palooza CA - 8/17 & 8/18/19 AquaShella Chicago - 9/26 &9/27/19 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago - 10/19 & 10/20/19 CTARS Fragtoberfest - 10/26/19 Mentions: OSA Aquatics - ReefWeeds - CT Frag Farmers Market - / Keep On Reefing Expo - Marine Depot - CaribSea E.O. Smith Coral Project - Waterbox Aquariums - Tropic Marin - News: Peter: The Versa Utility Pump is Ecotech Marine's first entry into the world of precision peristaltic dosing pumps. Ecotech has mastered the science of creating water flow inside the aquarium with their Vortech Pumps, they're building the standard in high performance centrifugal pumps with the Vectra, so it's only natural that Ecotech designed a dosing pump system of their own in the Versa. Jeremy: A phenomenon that makes coral spawn more than once a year is improving the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef. The discovery was made by researchers investigating whether corals that split their spawning over multiple months are more successful at spreading their offspring across different reefs. Listener Call: Rebecca called in to ask our advice about moving a tank. Main Topic: DIY can be fun and help save money and when it comes to the aquarium hobby there are endless numbers of DIY projects from the simple to the extremely advanced. Today we are going to discuss a few of our favorites that cover all bases of skill and ability. As with everything in this hobby there are a million ways to do a single thing and DIY is no different, what we discuss here is by NO means the only way to do these projects and there are endless amounts of resources from YouTube to forums to help you get ideas and find how tos. CAVEAT: Please understand is not responsible for any failed DIY projects, attempt any and all of these at your own risk! 1. Water Making Station: for most people water changes are imperative for a successful reef tank, having premade salt water and a surplus of fresh can prove invaluable for water changes, ATO containers and spare water for dipping corals and fish. a. Method to be used: Brut Can b. Required Equipment: 2 Brut Cans(size based on amount of water you make), various pvc pipe and fittings(size based on size of cans), pvc glue, 3 valves, RODI float stop(optional),Uniseal bulkheads(size based on plumbing size), external pump, remote plug c. Setup: 1 can for fresh, 1 can for salt, both cans plumbed to pump with valve in between each can and pump, pump outlet to top of salt can with T and valve in between. T has valve attached and either threaded or quick connect fittings for fresh or salt output. RODI can be plumbed directly into fresh can with float valve or run into can when needed. d. How to use: RODI water is pumped into fresh can, water from fresh can be pumped into salt can for mixing through the use of valves and pump. Once water is in salt can, RODI can be isolated and then recirculated to mix salt. Hose can then be connected to outlet T and pumped into containers or directly into tank. Through the use of valves both fresh and salt can be isolated and pumped out of system. 2. Invert/Fish Trap: Everyone gets a jerk invert or fish, while commercial products exist they are often pricey and sometimes complicated, while certainly better for inverts than fish this simple bottle trap can prove effective to get rid of that jerk crab or fish. a. Method to be used: Plastic bottle b. Required Equipment: Soda bottle(size depending on what you are trying to catch) c. Setup: take bottle and cut top off, invert top and using reef safe adhesive glue the top inverted into the bottom creating a bottle neck into the larger body of the bottle. d. How to use: Place food of choice into the container and fill with water. Submerse and place in area that invert or fish frequents, check regularly. 3. Sump from Tank: Sumps are very desirable for a successful reef tank, not only does it add water volume it allows you to hide or run various pieces of equipment such as skimmers, reactors and pumps. Inaddition you can utilize sumps to help breed pods and deal with nuisance algae through a refugium. Sumps can get costly fast but don't need to be cost prohibitive to get the benefits of having one a. Method to be used: Standard tank sump b. Required Equipment: Off the shelf tank of desired size for display, baffle kit(various sellers available), glue/silicone, filtersock holder or rollermat(optional) c. Setup: determine the layout of the sump you want, most are simple 3 chamber setups(inlet, skimmer/fuge chamber, return chamber), some kits include a filter sock holder(if not they can be purchased separately or this is a good opportunity to use arollermat). Using 2x4 scrap build 2 L blocks ensuing they are square to be used as baffle holders for gluing. Measure and mark where each baffle will go and begin your glue up. Put baffle into tank where it will be glued, add a dot of silicon to bottom of tank and insert first L bracket and bring it up against baffle. Ensure it is in right location and straigt and then add drop to base of tank and add second racket. Once held in place you are ready to glue up the sides. Run a bead of silicone up each side where baffle meets tank wall, using a wet finger or caulking tool run it up along the silicone to create an even and clean bead of caulk. Let dry for appropriate time and them pop out the brackets, clean up any silicone on base of tank and seal in bottom of baffle. On pieces that require a gap for water to run under, make a spacer of appropriate height to place under to hold off bottom. Rinse and repeat panel by panel until allbaffles are in and sealed. Let all silicon fully cure before use. d. How to use: Place sump under tank and plumb drain pipe into the drain chamber(into filter sock or rollermat), install required or desired equipment(heater, skimmer, pumps, etc), plumb return pump to return line, fill and test levels for power outages. 4. APEX Automation(Cabinet lights, Fans, any on/off): APEX and controllers in general are one of the best pieces of equipment you can get for creating automation and adding safety nets to your tank. Through the use simple logic and switches you can easily automate anything from tank stand lights, fans or anything else that requires on/off actions. a. Method to be used: APEX fusion b. Required Equipment: APEX, break out box, requiredswitches(float, pressure, push) water ever you want to automate(for this example we will talk about adding lights to turn on when you open your stand door). c. Setup: Install magnetic switches on your stand doors, if you have 2 doors, switches can be wired in series to only consume 1 breakout box port. Enter APEX Fusion and find the breakout box switch port or ports(be aware these may be hidden in the unused port setion) click on the lock icon on your Fusion dashboard and drag the correct module widget to your dashboard. Clicking on the setting (gear icon) button you can use the drop downs to select the functions(such as If Door OPEN the ON) define the ON plug on your power bar and then plug lights into the proper port on the powerbar. Ensure you set the FALLBACK to OFF and Set to OFF, save all your configs and test! d. How to use: Simply open door and lights should come on, close and they should go off. 5. Algae Reactor: Reactors are becoming far more widely available commercially but is still a fun DIY project if you are the tinkering type! While there are many different way you can build and do this project we will cover just one particular methodology in this discussion. a. Method to be used: Repurposed media reactor b. Required Equipment: Off the shelf up flow media reactor like 2LF phosban reactor, waterproof LEDs(spectrum is debatable so research to see what you want to try, but common practice is more reds than whites), various plumbing bits and power head if manifold is not available. c. Setup: Using a hot glue gun, start by gluing the dead end of the LED strip to the base of the reactor, begin to wrap the LEDs in a spiral manner up the reactor. Glue every couple inches and try to keep the gap to around an inch and even all the way up. Once you get to the finish the wrap along the op edge and attach your end plug and seal with shrink wrap. Plug in and test to ensure your LEDs work properly, if lights are too intense a dimmer can be put in line and if you are extra techie you could make them dimmable through a voltage regulator module attached to your 0-10V port on your controller(this is too advanced for this discussion). At a basic level you can put LED plug on timer or configure a plug on your controller to simply turn on and off on a schedule. d. How to Use: Plumb reactor to power head or manifold, ensure to add an inline valve to adjust flow to get turnover rate dialed in. Add water to reactor(remember to have fresh salt water ready for this), add your seed macro to reactor, plug LEDs into controller or timer and turn on pump or open manifold to start flow. Monitor growth and adjust flow and or lighting as needed until you see solid growth. Be sure to check regularly and empty as needed. Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.
by ReefNews | Aug 11, 2019 | Podcast, Reef
More shark sightings on the cape and a way to keep yourself safe; Britain taking a big bite out of reducing plastic bag use and the great Aquascape debate, with me special guest Rachel Fogle of ReefWeeds! All this and more on episode 74 Reef News Network Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVES Upcoming Events: Reef-A-Palooza California - 8/17 & 8/18/19 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago - 10/19 & 10/20/19 Aquarium Care Center Bash - 8/24/19 Philly Splash - 9/14/19 CTARS Fragtoberfest - 10/26/19 Sponsors: Fritz Aquatics: Reef Breeders: Reef Kinetics: News: Rachel: There have been more than 150 great white shark sightings since June off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a popular East Coast vacation spot, according to scientists. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy's sharktivity app indicates that there have been more that 161 shark sightings off the coast of Massachusetts since June 1. The same shark can be spotted multiple times, scientists note. This summer, however, did create something of a perfect stormwarming oceans attract both sharks and beach goers, and something does need to be done. Instead of killing more sharks, though, repelling them seems to be a much smarter idea. That's where a company called Surf Safe comes in. For around $400, a guy named Dave Smith will sell you a simple device that you can install on your surfboard that might just prevent an attack. Peter: The scourge of plastic in our oceans has received lot of publicity in recent years, especially in the UK where TV documentaries (notably the Blue Planet series) have brought the issue into the nation's homes. It seems the country is doing well in saying no' to one of the major culprits, the disposable plastic bag. With the amount of plastic entering the oceans estimated at a worrying 8 million tons, any news story that shows a bit of good news is very welcome. The British press is reporting that plastic bag use has halved within a year, according to usage at major supermarkets. Main Topic: Aquascaping and the companies that make the goods you need! Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.
by ReefNews | Aug 6, 2019 | Podcast, Reef, Technology
Newly discovered Reefs, Abex updates, and our Interview with the Coral Restoration Foundation. Jeremy has a plumbed monster tank, running water and all! Peter is making steady progress on his system. All this and more on Episode 73 of the Reef News Network! Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVES Upcoming Events: Reef-A-Palooza California - 8/17 & 8/18/19 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago - 10/19 & 10/20/19 Aquarium Care Center Bash - 8/24/19 Philly Splash - 9/14/19 CTARS Fragtoberfest - 10/26/19 Sponsors: Fritz Aquatics: Reef Breeders: Reef Kinetics: News: Jeremy: Scientists have just discovered five new coral reefs that form a vast, 310-mile corridor in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists from the University of Veracruz and Mexico's National Institute of Technology released their findings about the reefs Corazones, Pantepec South, Piedras Altas, Los Gallos, and Camaronera earlier this month. Peter: Bringing us some up to date info and highlights on the Abex from his conversation with CoralVue. Main Topic: Interview with Andrew from Coral Restoration Foundation. Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.
by ReefNews | Aug 1, 2019 | Podcast, Reef
Glow in the dark Sharks, listener calls and 10 Things I Hate about Summer AKA 10 ways to avoid Summer Slump. This week Jeremy is enjoying some rapid coral growth in both of his systems, Peter is finishing up a 3-day black out and it looks like real progress is being made! All this and more on Episode 72 of the Reef News Network! Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVES Upcoming Events: Reef-A-Palooza California - 8/17 & 8/18/19 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago - 10/19 & 10/20/19 Aquarium Care Center Bash - 8/24/19 Philly Splash - 9/14/19 CTARS Fragtoberfest - 10/26/19 Sponsors: Fritz Aquatics: Reef Breeders: Reef Kinetics: News: Jeremy: Sharks are known to stalk and sniff out prey before they attack. But all this newly discovered shark species has to do is glow in the dark, and the prey comes to them. The 5 1/2-inch American Pocket Shark is the first of its kind to be discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a new Tulane University study. It's less fearsome than it is wondrous. Listener Calls: Ethan Cody Main Topic: Summer Slump....most of us go through it! You may not have heard it called by that name but I am sure you know what I mean. It is that time of year when there is just so much else to do, the days are longer and you want to take advantage. The great outdoors, the beach, the pool, Ect. Ect. are all calling your name, the last thing you want to do is be inside doing tank maintenance. Well if you have fallen prey to Summer Slump we are here to help keep you on track and let you enjoy your system even in the off season. Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.
by Admin | Jul 25, 2019 | Cephalopods, Fish, Podcast
Real life Vibranium, Octopus brains and the Power of the Sun. This week we catch up with the little progress Jeremy has made in plumbing his big tank and rubber-banding mushrooms, Peter is ready to take on this algae with a plan that still has a few kinks in the details but has all the makings for greatness! All this and more on Episode 71 of The Reef News Network! Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVES Upcoming Events: Reef-A-Palooza California - 8/17 & 8/18/19 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago - 10/19 & 10/20/19 Aquarium Care Center Bash - 8/24/19 Philly Splash - 9/14/19 CTARS Fragtoberfest - 10/26/19 Sponsors: Fritz Aquatics: Reef Breeders: Reef Kinetics: News: Jeremy: Although the nation of Wakanda exists only in the MCU as the home of Black Panther, researchers believe they have found a version of it underwater. And here, 260 feet below the surface in secretive reefs, the warriors accented with vibrant purple are FISH. Previously unknown, the fish species lives in dark coral reefs, called "Twilight Zone" reefs, in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Tanzania. The fish are known as fairy wrasses. Their scales are so deeply pigmented that the deep purple remains even during the preservation process, when color is usually lost. The fish were discovered by scientists participating in the California Academy of Sciences' Hope for Reefs initiative, which aims to research and restore coral reef systems. - R2R thread - Peter: Octopus, squid and cuttlefish -- collectively known as cephalopods -- have strange, massive, distributed brains. What do they do with all that neural power? Dive into the ocean with marine biologist Roger Hanlon, who shares astonishing footage of the camouflaging abilities of cephalopods, which can change their skin color and texture in a flash. Learn how their smart skin, and their ability to deploy it in sophisticated ways, could be evidence of an alternative form of intelligence -- and how it could lead to breakthroughs in AI, fabrics, cosmetics and beyond. - Main Topic: Ok so this is a really interesting topic that there aren't many articles on. The question at hand is, can natural sunlight be used in a reef tank? Well, we know that it works in nature, right? So why not your system, why is sunlight (direct or indirect) just an algae outbreak waiting to happen? Isn't the sun what we are trying to emulate? This week we will cover all of these questions and shed some light on this subject! Mike Paletta videos: Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.
by xeniaforever | Jul 15, 2019 | Podcast, Reef, Supplements
Migrating Reefs, State of Tortola reefs and Stay Salty but Don't be Salty! This week we are back in the studio and catch up on all that is going on, Jeremy has a Return Pump and made a solid choice, Peter is back from vacation and ready to take on his tank with all his techy toys and a new idea. All this and more on Episode 69 of the Reef News Network! RNN Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVESRNN Upcoming Events: Reef-A-Palooza California - 8/17 & 8/18/19 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago - 10/19 & 10/20/19 Aquarium Care Center Bash - 8/24/19 Philly Splash - 9/14/19 CTARS Fragtoberfest - 10/26/19 Sponsors: Fritz Aquatics: Reef Breeders: Reef Kinetics: News: Jeremy: Shifting Reefs. Coral reefs are retreating from equatorial waters and establishing new reefs in more temperate regions, according to new research in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series. The researchers found that the number of young corals on tropical reefs has declined by 85 percent -- and doubled on subtropical reefs -- during the last four decades. - Peter: Peter fills us in on the dismal state of affairs hey found while snorkeling in the BVI. Main Topic: Stay Salty but.... Don't be Salty! Salt mixes are likely one of the most hotly debated subjects in our hobby. Everyone has a favorite that is simply the best and there are plenty of Haters out there as well. This week we are going to talk a bit about Salt. We are not going to suggest what is the best fit for you but rather talk about mixes in general, the parameters that several companies advertise, ideal parameters, mixing protocols and tips on making the right choice for your system! Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.