Redfish is a new aquarium magazine distributed exclusively over the internet in digital form, free of charge. Redfish features dedicated sections for tropical, marine, coldwater and pond hobbyists.
The July 2011 issue features eight articles:
- Corydoras sterbai
- Guppies
- Bright Lights: Neon and Cardinal tetras
- Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus
- Health: Koi Herpes Virus
- Zoanthids – flowers of the reef
- Spawning the clownfish
- Goldfish through the ages
In addition to articles, Redfish is running a quarterly photo contest. The contest is open to both Australian and non-Australian entrants (with different prizes).
Check out Redfish’s website to download your free copy of their first issue. The ~40 page issue is about 20mb.