FFM Stickers for the Project Adam

My good friend Richard is working on a very, very cool project, which you can learn all about HERE. To that end, I made sure to get some great stickers at the Frag Farmers Market, and I hope they are well received by Richard, and more importantly,...

New Product Alert: Reefcebo

Another Quality Product from the Reef Beef Podcast. Directions: Fill bottle to the top with DI water, shake furiously for 1 hour, and refrigerate for 48 hours before use. When something seems off in your tank, add 1 drop per gallon, wait a week, and...

Underwater Walls!

Having moved across the country more than once, I can tell you that turning a house into a home is both a craft and an art, and any help I could get was very welcomed. Think about the mood you want to live in, think about your favorite art pieces, and think about your...