Reef Threads — A Podcast You Should Be Listening To Every Week

by | Mar 24, 2011 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

Reef Threads --  A Podcast You Should Be Listening To Every Week

Reef Threads – Discussing Issues that Affect the Reef Aquarium Hobby

I started listening to the Reef Threads podcast two to three months ago, either after I heard about them on Facebook or found them through a Google Search while looking for reefkeeping podcasts to listen to on my daily commute (surprisingly enough, there are very few reefkeeping podcasts!).  I started somewhere around episode 15-17 and have been a devoted listener ever since.  As of this writing, they are up to Episode #27, and I’ve listened to every single one of them.

The Reef Threads audio podcast is hosted by Gary Parr and Sara Bertolino, both veteran reefkeepers, and is released every Sunday on their website  On their podcast, Gary and Sara discuss reefkeeping bulletin board threads from across the internet and reef aquarium magazine articles that they’ve found interesting. They provide commentary on what was said and offer their take on the topics and issues presented.  Every podcast also includes a Noteworthy Tank they discuss in detail at the end of the podcast.  Links to all of the commentary are found on their website in case the listener wants to read the thread(s) that they’ve discussed in a particular episode.  Each podcast is approximately 30-45 minutes in length, which works out great for commutes, short jaunts in the car, or during leisure time. Overall I find their podcast insightful and it’s obvious to the listener that they both greatly enjoy this hobby.

The podcast is available from their website as a free download and also from iTunes (search for Reef Threads).  They’re also on Facebook and on Twitter too.  Definitely check them out.

Have you listened to their podcast yet?  What’s your opinion?  Also, do any of our readers have other podcasts that you listen to?


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