Back in December, we covered the new Reefer Pro line of phone cases and for those of you that do not recall, the Reefer Pro phone cases are a high print quality case that features the aquatic life we keep in our glass boxes. From clownfish to clams, these cases really show off the animals we love. The cases come in a variety of shapes and sizes for many common cellphones with cases for both tablets and iPods forthcoming.
We just received word that Reefer Pro has updated their website and now allows you to see many newly released designs, and more importantly the site now allows you to buy direct from Reefer Pro. Each of the cases are currently available for £29.95 ($47.95). While that may seem a bit salty (pun intended), these cases really do appear a step above the rest when it comes to print quality and fit and finish. If your phone is on the list of phones supported, please give these cellphone covers a look.