by Saltwater Smarts | Aug 11, 2016 | Fish, Reef, ReefGen, Science, Travel
If you are ever visiting NYC and have time for a day trip out on Long Island, I would highly suggest the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center out in Riverhead as an excellent family destination. The center is about a one-hour drive from Queens on the Long Island Expressway. As an added benefit, there is a hotel right next door to the facility if you decide to spend additional time in the area. I have been to many small public aquariums during my work travels around the world, and due to its initial apparent size, I expected to spend no more than one or two hours going through the entire exhibit with my wife and seven-year-old daughter. I usually grade any attraction by the quality of the exhibits and how well it holds my daughter’s attention. I must say the Long Island Aquarium surprised me as we ended up spending up to four hours there and it was a lot bigger than I expected. My daughter was pleasantly entertained the entire time without any complaints. As you walk towards the entrance, a beautiful fountain greets you and draws you in by AquaNerd | Dec 22, 2015 | Corals, Reef, ReefGen, Science
The AquaNerd featured coral of the week originated from a zoa colony collected by ReefGen, called the Superduperman Zoanthid. These beautiful zoas are brightly colored, very hardy, and grow rapidly once established in the aquarium. For optimum growth, the Superduperman Zoa prefers moderate lighting and moderate water flow. We went to the ReefGen site to locate a price but it appears their site is currently under construction, however we were able to find these for sale at Unique Corals. For Eight to Ten polyps a nice frag sells for $34.00. Photo by Unique Corals Care: CARE LEVEL: Intermediate TEMPERAMENT: Semi-Aggressive PLACEMENT: On rock-work or rubble WATER MOVEMENT: Moderate LIGHTING: Moderate HUSBANDRY NOTES: Unique Corals grows their zoas out under a combination of LED and by Justin Credabel | Sep 3, 2015 | Corals, Eye Candy, MACNA, ReefGen, Science
There are some long-term coral partnerships that unfailingly work out time and again, while other coral closely placed together don’t get along at all. Finding relationships that work can be tricky – place the wrong coral together and they will compete and... by Justin Credabel | Aug 26, 2015 | Corals, ReefGen, Science
This is an exciting hobby and profession to be a part of. The smartest people I know are continually surprised and dumbfounded by the new discoveries that are constantly made, and all the questions that are yet to be... by Justin Credabel | Aug 21, 2015 | Fish, ReefGen, Science
I can’t seem to keep my hands dry. When I’m not at ReefGen(or playing music), I moonlight at the Suffolk County Community College Marine Lab, run by former MASNA Aquarist of the Year, Professor Todd... by Justin Credabel | Aug 10, 2015 | Corals, ReefGen, Science
When I was new to the reef hobby, I encountered a vendor with morals. I was fascinated with Pipe Organ coral (Tubipora musica) and wanted to purchase one. I was promptly educated that this coral, much like Goniopora at that time, was impossible to keep.…