Exclusive : Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science’s Aquaculture Exhibit

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Aquaculture, Corals, Tanks, Video | 0 comments

Let’s start 2020 with a big bang!
Those of you that personally know me or remotely follow my work, know how passionate I am about our hobby. Raising awareness, inspiring, educating, and positively impacting the masses has been my main mission for years. I have been collaborating with many like-minded, good people in the industry to work outside the box to raise awareness about sustainability of our hobby and to educate the general public on how far our hobby has come scientifically to captive breed so many different species of fish, as well as having the ability to aquaculture the most difficult and challenging types of corals and have them thrive in captive settings.
It is my vision and hope that the thousands of hobbyists and non-hobbyists that will go through here will get informed with this exhibit and learn how to advocate for our hobby as our hobby faces dangers from false propaganda from different organizations from all over the world.
From start to finish, nothing was taken from the wild. Various shapes of rocks were donated from Real Reef to create a one of a kind aquascape. Two Little Fishies donated much needed filter medias and accessories. Amazing fish and clams were donated from Biota Aquariums and Sea & Reef Aquaculture. Beautiful corals were donated by World Wide Corals, Inc., ACI Aquaculture, Carolina Aquatics, Pirates.Reef.Corals (It’s still work in progress as we wait for the corals to grow and fill in and as we add more corals) For equipment, EcoTech Marine made a huge contribution by donating radion G4 Pro fixtures and Vectra L1s for closed loop systems and Neptune Systems stepped up by providing the heart of the aquarium by supplying with their full Apex controller, COR 20 return pump, flow meters, and DOS for controlling and dosing elements into the system with ease.
Huge thanks to Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science special curators Dillion Retter and Zach Ransom for putting up and working with me and doing such a great job getting this exhibit up. I am also very grateful to the amazing friends and companies that rallied behind me for this cause.
For those of you guys visiting, you can find the Aquaculture exhibit in third floor of ocean gallery building.

P.S. Also my special bud Shane Lafreniere of 247 Aquariums for always being present whenever I needed anything.

  • Afishionado

    Afishionado : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity. (In this case, fish, corals and reef keeping). We are group of passionate hobbyists who are all about educating, creating innovative contents and providing eye popping visuals for hobbyists of all levels.

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