The new RLSS CM6 features many design elements found in other high end reactors … and some unique to the CM6:
- Thick cast acrylic construction through-out
- 6″ diameter reaction chamber
- DC2500 circulation DC pump. Not only are DC pumps speed-controllable and energy efficient, but they also run much cooler than conventional pumps which should result in less calcification around the impeller (in theory at least).
- Up-flow design with a diffuser plate & plenum at the bottom of the chamber
- CO2 collector/recycler/mixing chamber at the top of the chamber
- Built-in pH probe slot (at top) with water-tight silicone compression fitting
- A secondary pass-through chamber: Users can fill this ~500ml chamber with dolomite/aragonite (to raise pH of the effluent), GAC, GFO, or any slow-flow media. Up to three pass-through chambers can be installed.
- Integrated bubble counter
- Union connections on serviceable parts
- John Guest fittings
- Rated for an estimated 400 gallon reef tank (exact rating TBD)
- $549.99