Whale Shark? Not Quite

I’ve long wanted to swim with a Whale Shark, but sadly, they keep eluding me. To cope, I’m reminiscing about my encounters with the second biggest fish in the sea, the Basking...

The prettiest shipwreck

I’ve been thinking a lot about shipwrecks recently and have revisited some photos from a tip to the Maldives a year or so back.  I remembered how rare shipwrecks are in that region, in comparison to some of the busier waterways of the world, which is kind of a...

FLOOD 10 / The Sustainability Issue

Pick up the 10th issue of FLOOD Magazine featuring a cover story on Animal Collective wherein they detail their history and our collaboration Tangerine Reef. Read the article here / purchase the print edition here. Tags: Animal Collective, Coral Morphologic, FLOOD Magazine, Tangerine Reef This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 25th, 2019 at 12:15 pm and is filed under Interview, Music. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Cocaine in Crustaceans

Recently, there have been reports that recreational chemicals are being found in crustacean populations in the UK. Whilst it is a great piece of clickbait to drive website traffic, it reminds us of the presence of potentially harmful chemicals in our rivers and,...