All the preliminary round matches have concluded, and we now have the updated bracket with the 32 marine aquariums that will compete to become Italy’s most beautiful marine aquarium. Let’s check out the winners of the last preliminary round of the contest and the first 4 matches of the round of 16, which will begin today and run through the end of the week.
Our contest is moving forward; the third and final week of matches has concluded, with 6 beautiful marine aquariums facing off, of which 3 have emerged as winners and progressed in our bracket.
Today, we will review last week’s results and see which aquariums are competing this week, kicking off the round of 16 with the seeded aquariums entering the game. We’ll start with the smaller aquariums, and it’s needless to say that we’ll witness some exciting matchups!
We provided commentary on the contest at AcquaSocial
Unfortunately, we couldn’t make our video this week as we were busy at AcquaSocial in Bologna. However, during AcquaSocial, we went live – myself, Matteo, Hioct, and Federico – discussing the contest and offering valuable photo tips. If you’re interested, you can catch the reply on our Instagram channel below.
Last week’s results
Let us now see how last week’s matches went. In the first match between Livio Frentano and Cosimo Logi, the winner was the latter with 78% of the vote. A wide victory.

In the second match Vincenzo Massa came out on top over Luca Rossi with 69% of the vote, in the week’s highest rated match. Two very good tanks, and I thought the gap would have been much smaller. But it wasn’t. Congratulations to Vincenzo for the beautiful aquarium.

In the third and final match of the preliminary round, Carlo Camilloni took on David Biascelli and won with 58% of the vote in the most closely fought match of the past week. In my opinion, David’s photo penalized an aquarium that is much more beautiful than it looks. But honor to Carlo who has a beautiful aquarium.

The updated scoreboard
So here is the updated final stage scoreboard with last week’s results.

How to vote
Voting will be very simple. Starting today, every day, you will be able to vote for the competing marine aquariums. Each morning we will upload the two competing aquariums to our social channels on Instagram and Facebook, from that time you will have 24 hours to put your like on one of the two tanks. After 24 hours we will stop the voting, and tally up the likes that each aquarium has received. The one with the most likes will move on to the next round. We decided to start with the smaller aquariums, so the lower right side of our board. Last week the votes came in 45% on Facebook and 55% on Instagram, a 58% increase in votes over the previous week.
But let’s go through the new matches!!!
Ma andiamo a vedere i nuovi incontri!!!
Round of 16 first week: Reefluo (91 liters) vs. Gianluca (90 liters)

In the first round we will have a battle between the top seed Reefluo with his 91-liter minireef, which you can follow on his very up-to-date Instagram channel, against the 90-liter minireef of Gianluca Veroli who overcame in the first round Ivano Zam with 52% of the preferences in a very very close match. We are curious to see who will win this first challenge of the sixteenth round of our contest. The top seed or the outsider?!!! Voting will begin today Tuesday, May 28, around 10 a.m. italian time. You will only have 24 hours to vote before two more marine aquariums come in.
Round of 16 first week: Faco Reef (132 liters) vs. Buda Reef (125 liters)

In the second round we will have a very interesting battle because basically two top seeds clash. On one side is Fabio Conte, aka Faco Reef, who is very much followed on Instagram and who will have to face Dario Buccolieri, aka Buda Reef, who is equally followed on both Instagram and FaceBook. We can’t wait to see what we can get out of two well-known personalities in the Aquatics industry in the second challenge of the week, which will begin on Wednesday, May 29 around 10 a.m. You will only have 24 hours to vote before two more tanks come in.
Round of 16 first week: Caccio (225 liters) vs. aa Reef aa (125 liters)

In the third round we will have a very interesting battle as, once again, two top seeds clash. On the one hand, Luigi Cacciatore, aka Caccio, whose Instagram and FaceBook profiles you can check out, will have to contend with Simone Canino, aka aa Reef aa, who you can find on his Instagram profile. We can’t wait to see who will win, with two very similar aquariums both photographed to bring out the fluorescence. The challenge will begin on Thursday, May 30 around 10 a.m. Again, you will only have 24 hours to vote before the last two tanks of the week come in.
Round of 16 first week: an_easyreef (225 liters) vs. Taddens (125 liters)

In the last round of the week we will have a battle between the top seed Salvatore Parrillo, known as an_easyreef with his 225-liter aquarium, which you can follow on his very up-to-date Instagram channel, against the 125-liter minireef of Vito Alessandro Taddeo, known as taddens on Instagram, who overcame another 225-liter aquarium, Paolo Bartolone’s, in the first round with 58 percent of the vote in a very close match. We are curious to see who will win this fourth challenge of the sixteenth round of our contest. The top seed or the outsider??! Voting will begin on Friday, May 31, around 10 a.m. You will only have 24 hours to vote before voting is stopped.
All that remains is for us to offer our highest congratulations to everyone who participated in our contest, and of course to everyone who won, and we look forward to seeing who will come out on top this week and make it to the round of 16.
And be sure to vote, vote, vote!!! And follow us on Instagram and FaceBook so you won’t miss all the new marine aquariums to vote for!