by Josh Saul | Mar 19, 2012 | Conservation, Corals, Fish, Sustainability
Boyd Enterprises put up an incredible set of display tanks at the GPE, not to show off their products mind you, but to educate people at the expo on what is taking place in the Atlantic and Caribbean right under our... by Josh Saul | Jan 30, 2012 | Conservation, Opinion, Sustainability
As reef hobbyists, we all use a LOT of plastic. In addition to all of the gadgets and systems we have running in our tanks, we tend to dispose of a lot of plastic items including food packaging, plastic containers, plastic bags, and... by Josh Saul | Sep 22, 2011 | Conservation, Corals, Events, Sustainability
Our friends over at the Coral Restoration Foundation sure have their work cut out for them. Growing and restocking the reefs in the Carribean with the endangered Acropora cervicornis is a daunting task, but the project is being led by some top notch people with many... by Jon Robbins | Apr 10, 2011 | Conservation, Sustainability
While browsing the internet in search of some blogular goodness, I happened to come across an article of such importance, such significance that it didn’t matter if it wasn’t reef related. …