by xeniaforever | May 13, 2018 | Conservation, Corals
Hawaii has made national headlines as the first state to ban the sale of sunscreens containing either oxybenzone or octinoxate. Scientists at the Polytechnic University of the Marche, Ancona, Italy studied the chemicals, and found that “Sunscreens cause the... by Afishionado | Mar 24, 2018 | Aquaculture, Conservation, Video
This year, I plan on focusing my interviews, articles, and other reefs work on aquaculture, conservation, sustainable efforts, and education. Why is that important? We as hobbyists need to know what is going on in our world, as well as what efforts are being made to... by AquaNerd | Jul 17, 2017 | Corals, Reef, Science
It’s 7/17/17 and our featured coral of the week is coming to us from Joe Knows Reefs.  This coral that Joey Nichols is working on is a new one that we haven’t seen before.  Joey hasn’t even named it yet and he’s looking for some help naming this stunning acropora species.  If you can think of a name for it please post it below or list it on the Joe Knows Reefs Facebook page. The coral is an Acropora tenuis that was imported from Indonesia.  Joey is holding this coral for a little bit longer and he’s keeping this under and ATI T5 Sunpower 8 bulb fixture with Reefbrite XHO LED strips. Congrats to Joey for finding this gem! by Admin | Jun 16, 2017 | Corals
I’ve always been interested in how corals grow with – and very often upon – each other in the wild. As we all know, reefs are dynamic places, where change is commonplace. Here are a few shots that I’ll use to explore my... by ReefBum | May 25, 2017 | Corals, Reef, Science
One of the great things about this hobby are the nicknames given to designer, high end Acropora. The Icefire Enchinata, ORA Pearlberry, Strawberry Shortcake, Tyree Red Dragon and Tyree Pink Lemonade are a few examples of corals with eclectic names. An eye catching name is certainly important to create awareness and drive demand so marketing is a big part of the game. Some of the names seem logical while others make you scratch your head and wonder. For instance, the Oregon Blue Tort makes sense since it is a blue Tortuosa that was originally propagated for sale in Oregon. On the other hand, the Purple Monster is very purple but how the heck did they come up with the Monster part? Purple Monster’s Typically Have White Polyps