by Saltwater Smarts | Feb 20, 2016 | Aquaculture, Corals, Fish, Reef, Science
Your coral source can play an important role in success. With the introduction of more aquaculture and mariculture facilities, there has been a boom in specimens available at the local fish stores these days. by Saltwater Smarts | Feb 13, 2016 | Corals, DIY, Fish, Reef, Science, Tanks
Top down shot of Acropora microladosWelcome to the next level of coral care. By now I am assuming you have at least understood all the key general practices to maintain some of the hardier corals, from soft corals to large-polyp stony (LPS) corals to some of the more rugged small-polyp stony (SPS) corals. Each category of livestock can be classified into various requirements for the piece of ocean environment you are trying to simulate. Oftentimes we tend to generalize that all parts of the ocean are the same, but as you become educated about the livestock you are trying to maintain, you will understand that there is no single recipe to make everything thrive and flourish in the same tank.Review time So let us review some of the key attributes we, as responsible hobbyists and nature fans, must familiarize ourselves with in order to provide a sustainable environment. The most common aquarium parameters are the following: 1. Tank dimensions Volume (amount of salt water for stability) Depth (impacts light penetration and available environmental zones) Size (impacts aquascaping, flow, lighting choices, growth) 2. Lighting Type: metal halide, T5, LED, or hybrids Spectrum (10,000 to 20,000 Kelvin) Intensity (lux) Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Photosynthetically Usable Radiation (PUR) Photoperiod (hours) 3. by xeniaforever | Jan 12, 2016 | Aquaculture, Corals, Science
Brilliant news from the Horniman Museum and Gardens in South London: scientists there there report a United Kingdom first – the successful in-vitro fertilisation of captive corals! Â Gravid (already carrying eggs) corals were transplanted to the museum from... by Morgan Moore | Jul 20, 2015 | Corals, Science, Tanks
The story of my Astreopora montiporina colony is an interesting one. If you’re not familiar with this coral don’t worry, it is not commonly known or collected; it was named as a new species in 2011.… by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 22, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Reef, Sustainability
A surprising conclusion was made by the Ruhr-Universität of Germany regarding the genetic diversity within a coral colony. Researchers found that genetically diverse polyps where living harmoniously within the same coral structure by studying five different species of...