by Matthew Stansbery | Oct 8, 2014 | Corals, Invertebrates, Opinion
Smithsonian scientist Seabird McKeon, along with the museum’s predoctoral fellow Jenna Moore of the Florida Museum of Natural History, have published new research highlighting the importance of reef diversity and how symbiotic crabs can help defend against coral... by Justin Credabel | Sep 26, 2014 | Corals, ReefGen, Science
I love Cyphastrea; it is a beautiful coral, and one that I have had great success with, but one day I realized that I had been growing it for so long that the excitement was gone.  I didn’t want to stop my work with one of my favorite corals, but I knew I had to make... by Heidi dM | May 30, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Science
Japanese researchers are finding clues to help with the conservation of coral reef ecosystems in waters around the world by studying Acropora. Through the establishment of DNA markers, similar to DNA profiling in humans, individual corals can be accurately... by Morgan Moore | Oct 4, 2013 | Corals
For someone that loves acropora as much as I do, I sit here tonight staring at my beautiful 250 gallon mother colony system wondering how it ended up seventy five percent full of montipora colonies.… by Dan Rigle | Aug 21, 2013 | Corals, Eye Candy, Photography
This hardy colorful Acropora is a true captive grown coral. It has been grown from a seed fragment originally purchased from Atlantis Aquarium and all the current growth and mass was realized in artificial sea water and under artificial...