by Justin Credabel | May 1, 2015 | Corals, DIY, Equipment, ReefGen, Science, Technology, Too Cute
Inspired by Jake Adams and Julian Sprung’s friendly debate on Refugiums last MACNA, I decided to remove algae from my Refugium and replace it with Xenia. I wanted to remove any nuisance algae as well as Chaetomorpha and Caulerpa, so I added urchins, snails, and... by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 5, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Opinion, Science
A new study from the University of Georgia is helping us better understand the role symbiotic algae plays in bleaching events that occur on reefs throughout the world. Published in the journal Limnology and Oceanography the study created a minute-by-minute timeline... by Admin | Mar 10, 2014 | Conservation, Fish, Science
Dr. Clyde Tamaru and Ms. Karen Brittain of the University of Hawaii are important partners in Rising Tide Conservation. Karen has been focusing on looking at all things related to broodstock management, egg collecting and larval rearing for the Bandit Angelfish (Apolemichthys arcuatus). Back in December, Reed Morgan led his Boy Scout troop in building the first phase of our new microalgae culture area, which is part of Reed’s Eagle Scout project. The older boys built and painted a bench for the new algae cylinders. They constructed a wood frame and assembled and attached light fixtures to the frame. They made a PVC airline to the cylinders including drilling and tapping the air valves. The younger boys moved and spread gravel in the area fronting the hatchery that becomes slippery in the winter. I was very impressed with how hard they worked and how helpful they were towards each other!  We had to wait for backordered bulkhead fittings for the cylinders so did not get to fully complete the project that day. The fittings are here now and Reed completed the project in January. This project now allows us to grow five 100 liter cylinders of algae in the space we formerly had room for one 200 liter rectangular algae tank. This gives us many more options for growing what we need and is greatly appreciated. Also appreciated is the loan of the cylinders from the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. by Robert Loren | Jun 7, 2013 | Corals, DIY, Equipment, Fish, Science, Tanks
The majority of us know at least one fellow reefer who swears by dosing his/her reef aquarium with vodka. This seemingly counterintuitive act is often believed to have beneficial effects on the overall health and appearance of one’s reef aquarium.… by Josh Saul | May 8, 2013 | Equipment, Industry, Tanks
Everyone is always looking for ways to make their tanks require less maintenance, and robotics provides the promise of the Lazy Boy Reef Tank. The Robosnail is designed to address the issue of algae and detritus accumulating on the front glass panel of your...