A Quick Review of the Xiphypops Dwarf Angelfishes

The smallest members of the angelfish family belong to a distinctive group named Xiphypops, which includes such common aquarium species as the Cherub, Flameback and Fisher’s Angelfishes. This group is noteworthy for its circumtropical distribution—these being the only...

Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 4

Hybrids Like most pomacanthids, a fair bit of interspecies intermingling takes place in Apolemichthys, with the Flagfin Angelfish being especially adulterous. Longtime ichthyophiles will be familiar with the famed Armitage Angelfish—a wallet-emptying abomination whose...

Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 3

The Flagfin, Goldflake and Tiger Angelfishes A. trimaculatus, xanthopunctatus & kingi This pomacanthid triumvirate ranges widely in cost and availability, from the cheap and common trimaculatus, to the extraordinarily rare and punitively pricey...

Apolemichthys Angelfishes: Part 2

The Yellow-ear, Yellowtail and Griffis’ Angelfishes A. xanthotis, xanthurus & griffisi These three species form a clear and cohesive group that can be diagnosed by: 1) The mostly-black Chaetodontoplus-like patterning of...