by gmavrakis | Mar 18, 2015 | Corals, Fish, Opinion, Science, Tanks
MY FB: The Borbonius Anthia is most commonly referred to as a blotched Anthia and it is one of the most prized of all reef fish. Because of its unique pink and yellow coloration, the Blotched Anthias has become very popular. Since it is a deep water Anthias, it requires a slightly lower temperate tank. They max out at about 6 inches in full adult form, so they should stay in tanks larger than 90 gallons. Lots of live rock should be in your tank for Blotched Anthias to thrive. The rock will provide lots of cover from lighting and areas to hide if spooked. Blotched Anthias should be fed multiple times per day with a variety of meaty foods such as mysis and brine shrimp. It can be somewhat aggressive so be sure that your tank is ready for it if you are willing drop the $300 dollar price tag that this brilliant fish usually comes with! The video and pics used in this CoralFish12g video are Henry Ludywidjaja's and special thank goes out to him!