Quality Marine Receives the First Captive Bred Lemon Miliaris Butterflies (Chaetodon miliaris)

It seems Quality Marine is very interested in reef conservation.  Lately, it seems every few weeks or so we learn about a new success in the captive fish breeding arena. Below is a press release we just received and we thought our readers would be interested to hear news about the latest captive bred species coming out of Hawaii; Lemon Miliaris Butterflies (Chaetodon miliaris) Rising Tide Conservation and Hawaii Oceanic Institute has done it yet again. The unstoppable duo has announced successfully breeding yet another species – Chaetodon miliaris, Lemon Butterfly, which is another Hawaiian endemic. Quality Marine is excited to be a part of this breakthrough event by receiving some of the fish from the very first batch. This project’s journey first began with

SPS Deep Dive – Purple Bonsai Acropora

SPS Deep Dive – Purple Bonsai Acropora Bonsai! When I see that word all I can think about is John Belushi in a Saturday Night Live skit waving a sharp samurai sword perilously close to a nonchalant Buck Henry. Belushi actually hit Henry during one of these skits, going down as one of the more memorable moments in SNL history. But I digress. When a reef keeper sees the word Bonsai he or she typically thinks of a purple coral with green polyps. The most well-know morph is the GARF Purple Bonsai. GARF stands for Geothermal Aquaculture Research Foundation and was a pioneer in the reef keeping business, known for its research to help advance the reef keeping hobby. Nonetheless, their Bonasi was a must-have

Quality Marine Receives Aquacultured Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius)

This has been an unprecedented year of breakthroughs in aquaculture. Quality Marine is proud to welcome yet another species to our ever growing list; as a result of our partnership with Roger Williams University, we are now able to offer Aquacultured Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) to our customers. We do everything in our power to support aquaculture projects focused on marine ornamental species and as a result, are a leading source of these aquacultured livestock. Fire Shrimp has long been a highly sought after species due to their deep, blood-red coloration and their parasitic cleaning qualities. In the wild, they occur throughout the Indo-Pacific. Most of the individuals look very similar throughout this range with the exception of specimens from the Maldives, which

Quality Marine Receives Aquacultured Flame Angels

Quality Marine does it again with more aqua-cultured species of fish.  Read the official press release below. September 9, 2016 – Los Angeles – Quality Marine is proud to announce the arrival of aqua-cultured Flame Angels & Multicolor Angels at our Los Angeles Facility. These animals are a Quality Marine exclusive being bred and raised at a partner culture facility. This marks the first time an aqua-cultured Multicolor Angel has been commercially available and as such, quantities for this initial shipment are extremely limited. While Flame Angels have been offered in North America before, it has been some time since this last happened.  Flame Angels (Centropyge loriculus) is a fairly common fish in the Central Pacific ocean. They generally occur in less than 60m of

Quality Marine Announces of Arrival of Aquacultured Royal Grammas

August 23, 2016 – Los Angeles – Quality Marine is proud to announce the arrival of Aquacultured Royal Grammas from the Batavia Coast Maritime Institute (BCMI) in Australia. A testament to the biologists and aquarists who bred and reared them, these Fairy Basslets are exceptionally robust and healthy. Because of the limited number of specimens, they will only be available to public aquariums and educational facilities at this time.  Royal Grammas represent just one of several species being aquacultured by BCMI, a campus of Durack Institute of Technology in Western Australia.Â