The AquaNerd Blog Tops 1 Million Hits

We just wanted to share the good news. As of July 2013, the AquaNerd Blog has surpassed 1 million views! Not to toot our own horns, but that’s a pretty big milestone, at least in our opinions. So, we’ll be celebrating the event with something special for our readers. The details haven’t been firmed up quite yet, but we know you’ll enjoy it, so stay tuned. Getting back to the site itself, we realize that we aren’t the best or brightest aquarium centric blog out there. We don’t try to be. We do, however, work hard at delivering the content that we can. That means late nights writing, hair pulling moments when something jacks up our server, and the ocassional curse filled rant when thing just seem to fall apart. Fortunately, there are the happy times too, such as getting to go to all of the trade shows, hearing from readers who tried our tip of the day with success, and making tons of friends along the way. For that, we are deeply grateful and only hope that our content lives up to your expectations. As for the site’s history, there’s really nothing spectacular to report. Because I had been so active on local forums offering up tips that were generally well received,  I started the site to reach a broader audience and also as an extension of my personal hobby. The site was officially started in May 2009 on the Blogger platform. Eventually, we migrated to the much more robust WordPress blogging system and even added our very own forum. As for the future, we plan on keeping up with the articles and are constantly trying to find new ways to engage and enrich our audience. We’ve dabbled with videos with mixed results, but have really blossomed on social media giving us a whole new realm to entertain our fans. Our future plans are not only centererd around continued growth, especially on the AquaNerd Forum, but I personally plan to join the public speaker circuit for some of the trade shows. I’ve given a talk here and there, but it’s mostly been at local club events and fish stores. I’ll cut the blabbering short for now. Stay tuned for those details about how we’re going to reward our fans. Thanks again for all of the support, Brandon Klaus

The Bizarre Aquarium Fence

Check out this incredible video for an “aquarium fence”.  We can only assume that this is located somewhere near the natural habitat for these animals since there are so many of them, including a huge number of...

Lightning Maroon Clownfish Playdate

We’re respecting the privacy of the proud owner of these two incredible fish, but the kids are fair game!  Many people have inquired as to the plans for these fish, and as mentioned previously, they are to spend their years in an incredible show tank in...