by Todd Gardner | Jun 8, 2012 | Aquaculture, Fish
You can now add the high-priced bicolor basslet, Lipogramma klayi, to the list of marine species that have been raised for the first time at the Long Island Aquarium. Thanks to another generous donation from one of my biggest supporters, Forrest Young at Dynasty... by Todd Gardner | Jun 7, 2012 | Aquaculture, Fish
For me, the most exciting part of collecting pelagic eggs and larvae from a large community tank like the 20,000-gallon reef tank at the Long Island Aquarium, is watching the larvae grow and trying to figure out what they are before they reach... by Michael D. Phelps | Apr 2, 2012 | Equipment, Industry, Opinion, Tanks
Since it was released to the market in 2010, the BioBubble Animal Habitat has not undergone many changes in design with the exception of some minor tweaks to the filtration system and appearance. The Gen 2 model was unveiled during the Global Pet Expo last month and I... by Michael Rice | Jul 20, 2011 | Equipment
The original Fluval Edge was a small 6 gallon that came with some big ideas in the way of design. These small tanks brought a gravity defying, new aged look to the aquarium world, but were missing a few features that us reef keepers would like to...