AquaEl Ultra Heater 200 – Review and Video

We talked about it some weeks ago and now finally we have in our hands: the new AquaEL Ultra Heater 200, the heater with variable power. This new heater, made of thermoplastic material, has a particularly interesting new modality: Smart Heating...

Travel: Virginia Living Museum

This summer had been filled with trips for my family. After 2 years in the COVID isolated environment we needed to get out for sanity’s sake. One of these trips had us travel down to Williamsburg, Virginia for Colonial Williamsburg and Busch...

Travel: Shedd Aquarium, Chicago IL

If you are in Chicago, Illinois you want to stop by the Shedd Aquarium.  It is a short walk along the “Magnificent Mile” on the edge of Lake Michigan. The Shedd Aquarium has one of the world’s largest indoor aquariums at ~ 5 million US...

Travel: Mystic Aquarium, Mystic CT

One Thanksgiving week my family decided to go on a short getaway to the Rhode Island shore. It was a tolerable 7hr drive after work for a late night check-in. One logical place to visit nearby, besides the infamous “Mystic Pizza” eatery, was of course the...