Fritz Aquatics’ TurboStart 900 Testimonial

Many people have asked me what I used to instant cycle my new build. There are definitely many bacteria out in the market but after much research and speaking to Shawn Hale at Fritz Aquatics, Lance Ichinotsubo of Elite Marinelife by Captive Seas and Chris Meckley of ACI Aquaculture, I was sure that Turbostart 900 would be the way to go and I am glad that I did. Formulated specially for saltwater, this strain of bacteria is one of a kind denitrifying bacteria bacteria that simply works. Here in this video, Chris Meckley of ACI tells us how he uses them exclusively for his fish holding systems (2000 gallons each) when he bleaches them twice a year for preventive measures for possible parasites without any loss of precious fish lives. Have confidence, follow directions and use the trusted product that's being used by the pros. Enjoy!

The Benefits of Good Bacteria

Researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University have taken a new turn in the search for understanding the relationship between corals and microbes. On each reef corals live together in harmony with microorganisms, all...

Salty Q&A: How Long Before My Tank Is Cycled?

Cycling a new saltwater aquarium isn’t simply a matter of waiting a certain amount of timeQuestionThe fish store dealer who’s helping me through the setup of my first saltwater aquarium told me I need to give the tank time to cycle before I put any fish or corals in it. As of right now, the tank has been operating for about a month. Is that long enough for it to get cycled completely? Is it safe to add live rock yet? My kids are anxious to see some critters in there! – Submitted by Josh P.

Emma Forbes Update: Understanding Bacteria at OI

Figure 1. Culture of bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.??) on marine agar isolated from larval rearing tanks at OI.Aloha everyone!It’s been a while since my last post, but it’s been a busy few months. Though it's the kind of busy you don't realize until you sit down and catch your breath. It’s been a lot of fun spending my days in the lab working with everyone learning new things. Figure 2. Sample of Parvocalanus nauplii on TCBS agar that was fed to yellow tang larvae. Since we are still observing relatively high mortality just past first feeding, my work at the Oceanic Institute is focused on bacterial population analysis and application of probiotics to our yellow tang larval rearing tanks. The first month of summer was spent looking at the growth of our live feeds with the addition of probiotics, which appear to have no effect on their survival or growth. This is great news for us