Salty Q&A: Harlequin Tuskfish Ate My Cleaner Shrimp!

Harlequin Tuskfish (Choerodon fasciatus)QuestionTwo weeks ago, I added a harlequin tuskfish to my 90-gallon reef tank with the understanding that it’s a peaceful fish. Then this morning, the stupid thing ate my skunk cleaner shrimp right in front of me! Was I misinformed about this fish’s temperament? Eating tankmates whole seems like pretty aggressive behavior to me. Also, I was under the impression that predatory fish usually leave cleaner shrimp alone because they recognize that they’re helpful. Is that not the case?” – Submitted by Jen Answer I don’t know that I’d say you’ve been misinformed about this species’ temperament exactly, but it may be that you’ve misinterpreted or misapplied a few terms here.

Eliminating Saltwater Aquarium Skin Flukes – Part 2

Biological Controls Multiple species of Elacatinus Cleaner Gobies have been shown to severely reduce the presence of skin flukes in captivity, though their success rate appears somewhat variable (~50-99%) and may relate to maintaining the right ratio of cleaners to...