by Admin | Oct 14, 2024 | Conservation, Fish
Figure 1. 25 day post hatch Purple Masked Angelfish larva. Over the past year while working on our Rising Tide project, the larval rearing work has focused on the Purple Masked Angelfish Paracentropyge venusta. We had success on our fifth rearing trial in getting the larvae to the juvenile stage. That larval trial started in November of 2013 and the success was most likely brought about through the use of wild plankton collected from Kaneohe Bay. Plankton was collected almost daily in an effort to provide the larval fish with the necessary nutrients to get them through the larval phases, past metamorphosis and into the juvenile stage. Although we were happy with this accomplishment it meant that larval rearing of this species might be dependent and only possible in areas near a source of wild plankton.
by danireef | Aug 17, 2023 | Fish
Two recent sightings of the Lionfish, Pterois miles, in Calabrian waters have brought public attention back to its expansion in the Mediterranean. It was 2016 when for the first time here on...
by xeniaforever | Aug 8, 2023 | Fish
A collaboration between a scientist and a science writer, Chasing Shadows is the remarkable story of the resurgence of the white shark population in the western North Atlantic told largely through the eyes of shark biologist Dr.…
by Afishionado | Jun 9, 2023 | Conservation
For the past few years, I have been invited to check out a facility called Florida Coral Rescue Center that has been doing some amazing work rescuing and conserving critically endangered and almost extinct corals from Florida Reef Tract.…
by Afishionado | May 7, 2023 | Conservation
It’s not easy to do speaker videos because the sheer volume of information and time that’s involved in making them, but I was so compelled to make this one because it’s something that’s close to my heart and it’s something that every...