CORAL Video & Highlights: Coral Reef Resilience Transcript of RESILIENCE, narrated by Bruce Carlson, Ph.D. Few places on earth captivate our sense of wonder as much as coral reefs. But how stable and enduring are coral reefs? Violent tropical storms frequently destroy fragile coral skeletons, but broken branches quickly sprout new growth. Coral reefs are resilient and adapted to recover from these natural events, but what happens when humans tip the balance? Let me show you two examples in Fiji. For centuries Fijians have harvested marinelife without serious harm to their reefs, but near the capital city of Suva there are may more people fishing. Let’s look more closely at this reef

CORAL Wins Magazine of Year Award

CORAL, The Reef & Marine Aquarium Marine, has been named Hobbyist Magazine of the Year in a Niche Media awards ceremony in Charleston, South Carolina on February 26th. CORAL with its first Nichee Magazine Award. Likened to an Oscar for smaller publications, the Nichee Magazine Awards recognize excellence in content, visual presentation, and publishing acumen. CORAL is published in the small town of Shelburne, Vermont, but reaches an estimated worldwide audience of 37,000 readers, primarily in the United States and Canada, but with distribution in the UK, Australia, Scandinavia, South Africa and India. “We are thrilled to be recognized by our peers,” says Editor & Publisher James Lawrence. “In a time when print newspapers and magazines are said to be dying, in fact niche titles in many fields of interest are thriving.” “We couldn’t do it without our outstanding writers and photographers—some of the world’s best—our loyal readers and a small, dedicated and very hardworking staff in Vermont,” said Lawrence. “Someone here joked that this is Academy Awards weekend and we have already won ours, and I should keep the speech short.” The current incarnation of CORAL was launched in 2009 and is the official English Language Edition of the German title KORALLE, originally created by Publisher Matthias Schmidt and Editor Daniel Knop in 1999. One of Europe’s leading periodical and book specialty publishers, Natur und Tier-Verlag GmbH of Münster is the parent company of KORALLE and is known for publishing the work of authoritative authors, with bod graphics and arresting nature photography.

Corals for Cancer

It seems like everyone I know is either related to or knows of someone with cancer.  Cancer is a complex, life-threatening disease which affects millions and there are over 200 different kinds of cancer!!...

CORAL Video: Urbain Appeltan’s LED-Lit Belgian Reef This is the 630-gallon (2,400-L) featured reef in the Aquarium Portrait department of the November/December Issue of CORAL, written by Ab Ras. Owner Urbain Appeltans is a noted European filmmaker whose aquarium has been honored as Reef Aquaarium of the Year in Belgium. Lighting supplied by banks of Aqua Ilumination (AI) Sol LED units. Credits: Video:  Stuart Bertram’s YouTube Channel / D-D the Aquarium Solution. Aquarium:  Urbain Appeltans, Opglabbeek, Belgium

Montipora Invasion!

For someone that loves acropora as much as I do, I sit here tonight staring at my beautiful 250 gallon mother colony system wondering how it ended up seventy five percent full of montipora colonies.…