Tubastrea aurea eagerly consuming PE Mysis

These Tubastrea Aurea are 100% tank raised and trained to feed during the day light photoperiod, unlike the natural instincts of this species.  They are fed only during the lighted photoperiod and tend to stay open during this period when conditioned in this...

Sneaki Nudi

This new video courtesy of our friends at Blenny Watcher shows a nudibranch that mimics the popular coral Xenia.  The nudi looks almost exactly like the xenia on which it feasts, allowing it to avoid predators and devour xenia at the same...

ORA MIMF Ant Insignis

ORA has a very large farming operation worldwide, including their Marshall Islands Mariculture Farm (MIMF).  Ocassionally they will release several new corals without names, so this coral may look familiar to some lucky people who scooped it up a while...