by danireef | Feb 27, 2017 | Equipment, Tanks
The return pump for marine aquariums is absolutely necessary, but many aquarists make the wrong choice when selecting the best make and model for their tank. We wrote about this many years ago, and today we’d like to revisit the topic and explore some new... by danireef | Feb 20, 2017 | Equipment
This is the Tunze Turbelle Stream 3 or Tunze 6150, a very special... by danireef | Feb 15, 2017 | Equipment, Tanks
A neophyte with his new marine reef aquarium can feel overwhelmed by the scope of jargon-heavy, complicated information available. But there is also a need for basic advice about the daily and easy management of the aquarium, which can be a lot harder to come... by danireef | Feb 13, 2017 | Equipment
Here is an interesting new product by Equo: Remover NH3. Remover NH3 was first presented in May of 2016 at the Nuremberg Interzoo, and today, we finally have some samples, which we will use for starting our marine... by danireef | Feb 10, 2017 | Equipment
As you already know we’ve been testing the Philips CoralCare lighting system on our aquarium. We don’t have a complete review yet, but we can share what we have discovered so...