by AquaNerd | Apr 27, 2022 | Equipment
Red Sea has been busy lately with the introduction of new aquarium products. Red Sea has been known for aquarium additives, test kits and salt mix, Max Series aquariums. Later the Reefer series aquariums were added. Later three protein skimmer models following, ReefWave Gyre style wavemakers, 3 different LED fixture models and two dosing pump models, and coming this month, the ReefMat fleece filters will begin shipping to authorized Red Sea dealers. And each of these newer devices can be controlled via the RedSea ReefBeat App. The Reefer tanks were recently on sale and now we know why. RedSea was making room in preparation for the launch of their second generation lineup. The G2 series features a revamp of all the Reefer series models including the newer Reefer by AquaNerd | Jan 15, 2022 | Equipment
An installed HYDROS aquarium automation system by CoralVue. Photo Credit: Manncorp With so many supply chain issues facing just about anything made with a circuit board, CoralVue has decided to move away from outsource manufacturing to in-house manufacturing. By doing so CoralVue will have much greater control of production needs as demand for their Hydro product line increases. The lead times companies are facing right now are unprecedented and devastating to many business across the world and CoralVue is taking aggressive steps to solve these issues. Being unable to get much needed products is why many companies are taking the DIY route and bringing production and manufacturing back to the US. If you ask me, that is a good thing! CEO of CoralVue, David D’Aquin tells by ReefBum | Nov 21, 2021 | Equipment, Feeding
Most of the equipment and supplies used for a reef tank are purchased at a local fish store (LFS) or an online aquarium supply store. But what about shopping at a grocery store or hardware store? Yes, these types of stores stock plenty of handy household items for a reef tank. Here are some products you should consider having on your shopping list. #1 Turkey Baster A turkey baster is great for feeding fish. I put frozen food in a cup with tank water, stir it up with a turkey baster and then squirt it into the tank. A turkey baster can also be used to blow detritus off of rocks and into the water column, where it can be removed via mechanical filtration. Accumulating detritus can by ReefBum | Aug 3, 2021 | Equipment, Reef, Tanks
Why Reef Keeping Has Become Harder - ReefBum Recent Blog Posts by xeniaforever | Jun 24, 2021 | Funny, Podcast, Reef
Reef Beef - Episode 20 - Together at Last Ben & Rich are together in Florida! Hear their ramblings from their hotel room on whether or not the hobby getting better or worse. Get notified of new episodes by receiving an email from Reef Beef! Buy Reef Beef a Beer! Become a Member: Time Stamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:30 We’re at Aquashella 00:01:58 Is the hobby getting better or worse? 00:05:30 Equipment? 00:08:32 Money? 00:16:42 Is the end user responsible? 00:19:52 Ethics? 00:26:30 Information / Education? 00:30:10 Growing the hobby? 00:31:59 Social Issues? 00:35:02 Wrap Up 00:38:36 Bloopers