by Saltwater Smarts | Mar 7, 2017 | Reef, Tanks
An ever-shifting salinity level is very stressful to aquarium inhabitants Question I’m a long-time freshwater aquarium hobbyist but considering branching out to a saltwater reef system. In talking with some of my reefkeeper friends, I’ve noticed that they’re rather fixated on evaporation from their tanks and doing daily top-offs. Why so much emphasis on evaporation on the saltwater side of the hobby? This isn’t really an issue at all on the freshwater side. Also, I do a lot of traveling for business purposes, so I’m wondering what others in my situation do about top-offs. – Submitted by Amir” Answer Great question, Amir! by AquaNerd | Feb 7, 2017 | Equipment, Video
The Vertex Cerebra controller is not the easiest aquarium controller to mount when trying to showcase it in a retail environment and we needed a way to call attention to the controller. At 1st it seemed logical to make a bracket for it and mount it to the side of the tank but that presented some challenges and we didn’t want to compromise the look of this amazing aquarium designed by My Reef Creations. In looking for a way to display our Cerebra controller next to main frag tank we stumbled upon a fabrication company in Ontario Canada that does amazing one-off custom designs so we reached out to them to see if they would be willing to take on the project. Thankfully they agreed and by ReefBum | Nov 9, 2016 | Equipment, Photography, Tanks
So you have a beautiful reef tank and you want to share it with friends, family and fellow reef keepers who might not have a chance to see the tank in person. Taking great pictures does take a different skill set and to do so there are some best practices one can follow to take great photos of an aquarium. Once the basics are learned there is an accessory you can use to take those aquarium photography skills to another level. It’s called a top-down viewer or photo box. A top down viewer is an accessory attached to a camera that makes it possible to safely submerge a lens underwater to take stunning photos or videos. Yes, there are water proof housings available for cameras used by Saltwater Smarts | Nov 6, 2016 | Fish, Opinion, Tanks
Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons) are on my short list for the impending tank downsizeNext year, our daughter will be heading off to college and our son will already be well on the way through his senior year at OSU. With two kids almost down and none to go, my wife, Melissa, and I will soon (more or less) be empty-nesters. It also means we’ll soon be selling our two-story, four-bedroom home and moving into something better suited to a twosome and a few occasional visitors. Of course, talk of downsizing our house has led to several discussions of downsizing my 125-gallon aquarium to something more manageable and what form of setup that might take. Below are just a few of the ideas I’m mulling over. If you happen to find yourself in a similar situation—or you’d just like to take on a different sort of hobby challenge—you might want to give one of these setups a try as well.1. by ReefBum | Oct 15, 2016 | Equipment, Reef, Science, Tanks
Nano reef tanks (aquariums up to 30 gallons) are a great option for folks who don’t have a lot of space or want to enjoy a slice of the ocean without having to spend a ton of dough. Not having a lot of time for maintenance might be another consideration so for some it is important to have equipment that is simple and easy to maintain. The Reef Glass Nano Protein Skimmer checks a couple of those boxes as it is a reasonably priced and easy to use product designed specifically for nano tanks. The kit includes a classic limewood protein skimmer and all the parts needed to start skimming, with the exception of an air pump and waste bottle. An AP-3 air pump from Danner would work