by Gary Parr | Oct 26, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Opinion, Podcast, Science
Should we take marine animals from the reefs for our viewing pleasure?
In our 250th podcast, a discussion about marine-fish captive breeding and Orca breeding leads to an exchange about keeping wild animals captive, the current state of our hobby, and how collecting and keeping marine animals fits in the larger animal-treatment arena. Basically, we address some difficult questions. After you’ve listened, share your thoughts here or on the Reef Threads Facebook page. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter @reefthreads.—Gary and Christine
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Breeding yellow tangs
Rising Tide Conservation Captive Bred Yellow Tangs
Breeding Orcas
Sea World To Challenge California Ban On Orca Breeding, Francis Yupangco,
by Admin | Oct 18, 2015 | Fish, Science
Oceanic Institute of Hawaii Pacific University is making some great headway with rearing Yellow Tangs! Check out the videos of the 36dph and 49dph groups at the Rising Tide Facebook Page: "The [Yellow Tang] group that is 70dph only has a handful remaining, and just a couple of that handful look like the photo. We are observing a pretty significant gap in development within cohorts, where some fish are extremely stunted compared to their siblings. However, we are really excited to be seeing the dorsal and anal fins forming, which is signaling that the transition to settlement is close! The next group that we have is 49 dph today and many of these fish appear similar in development to our day 70 group. This tank has more than 100 remaining, and they appear really strong, much more lively and active than the day 70 group did at the same age. by Fused Jaw | Sep 10, 2015 | Fish, Science, Seahorses, Tanks
Occasionally a seahorse hobbyist runs into a situation where a freshwater (FW) dip is indicated. A FW Dip can be used as both a therapeutic and a diagnostic tool. As a therapeutic tool it can help rid the seahorse of ectoparasites on the body, in the oral cavity, as well as in the gills. As a diagnostic tool, observation during the dip will give you a good idea if there is a parasitic load or not. It can also be done prophylactically on new arrivals from suspect sources, on wild caught (WC) specimens or when a tank mate has had known parasitic load. We have been doing FW Dips for over 11 years. We have found that every species we have encountered has handled FW Dips just fine by Tami Weiss | Aug 4, 2015 | Fish, Science, Seahorses
Left, Tiger Tail seahorse from MaryG, right Dwarf Seahorse, photo by Felicia McCaulley Regular readers of are aware of my concern over juvenile seahorses being sold far too small and young. It came to my attention recently that sometimes very young juveniles of larger seahorse species are being sold as Dwarf Seahorses Hippocampus zosterae due to the exceptionally small size they are being sold at. This issue came to light by way of the our forum member Maryg. She asked to confirm the species of a couple seahorses sold through her local fish store as dwarf seahorses. The seahorses in question were in fact juvenile Tiger Tail Seahorses Hippocampus comes by Matthew Stansbery | Jul 2, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Science, Sustainability
A new study from the University of Sydney Australia has found that the Spiny Chromis reef fish can manipulate the gender of their offspring to combat the gender bias created by increasing ocean temperatures. …