by Admin | Jan 21, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Industry, Science, Tanks
Figure 1. Captive bred Porkfish juvenile available fromFishEye Aquaculture. Three years ago we posted a blog stating the commercial production potential of Porkfish, Anisotremis virginicus (Porkfish Protocol – Rising Tide’s First Commercial Species). As you’ll recall, researchers at the Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory collected eggs spawned at SeaWorld Orlando and grew them to the juvenile phase and beyond. This was not the first time that Porkfish had been grown in captivity (again credit goes to Martin Moe and company). It was, however, the first time that Porkfish had been grown from eggs spawned in captivity using standard commercial production protocols; including the use of hatchery grown live feeds (rotifers and Artemia). This proved inspiring to one of Rising Tide’s industry partners who decided to add this fish to their list of available species. Figure 2. Captive bred Porkfish juveniles available fromFishEye Aquaculture by gmavrakis | Jan 20, 2015 | Corals, DIY, Fish, Opinion, Science, Tanks
My FB Page: In this CoralFish video I am going to be giving you my list of the top 10 Zoanthids and Palythoas for reef aquariums. I tried my best to base this list of popularity, price and input I researched online. If I used one of your pictures in the video let me know in the comments so I can thank you! by Robert Loren | Jan 15, 2015 | Fish, Invertebrates, Science
Throughout geological time, there have been many shifts in marine animal species. Amongst these shifts is a transition known as the Mesozoic Marine Revolution. This evolutionary phenomenon not only overturned a number of bottom-dwelling marine species, it transformed... by AquaNerd | Jan 12, 2015 | Fish, Science
ORA has set the bar really high for 2015, and we’re just a dozen days into it. They announced on Friday via their blog that they will be shipping out their latest addition to the captive bred fish lineup, the ORA Kamohara Blenny (Meiacanthus kamoharai). This stunning fish is a Japanese endemic normally found in shallow waters off the country’s southern coasts. While it is common in the wild, it is surprisingly absent from the aquarium community here in the US, though ORA obviously hopes to change all of that. In their blog post, ORA describes the Kamohara blenny has having a tolerance or a wide range of water temperatures. by Robert Loren | Jan 8, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Science
When conducting studies, many ecologists are posed with the question: How old is this fish? Because size is rarely a fair indication of age, the use of a more precise method is often required. The most prevalent method of aging bony fish is known as Otolith...