by AquaNerd | Jan 6, 2015 | Corals, Fish, Invertebrates, MACNA, Science, Tanks, Technology
Phew…2014 is almost over. And while it has been a fun year, it has also been an exhausting one. But, we made it, and we can look forward to the brand new adventures that await for us in 2015. Before we can move on, however, we must pay our respects to the passing year with a robust recap of the top 10 stories that were featured on the AquaNerd Blog during that time. So, without further adieu, here is our list of posts we got the most mileage out of. by Admin | Jan 5, 2015 | Corals, Fish, Science
You set up your tank, buy some shiny new lights, plug them into timers and then wait... how long should they be on? What will match your routine? What about the health of your reef? Fish and corals in nature are very aware of the daily cycle, so much so that if you purchase a wrasse from another part of the earth, it will still be on that schedule. I've purchased wrasses in the past that stayed in the sandbed way longer than expected, emerging hours after the lights came on because their internal clock was still calibrated to the previous time zone. After a couple of weeks, it would reset so precisely that it would circle and hover over the perfect spot mere seconds before the lights shut off. Pretty fascinating to watch, I have to tell you.If you have a simple system with T5 bulbs, your options may be limited to how many bulbs you can turn on at a time by Tami Weiss | Jan 5, 2015 | Fish, Science, Seahorses
Seahorse baby being sold far to young in a listing on eBay. It happens every so often. Someone discovers just how easily seahorses breed, but can’t raise the babies, or discover the expense and time it takes to raise seahorses and so they decide they can sell the seahorse fry and make some money doing it. Unfortunately, it’s a mistake and it ends badly for everyone but the seller. To understand why selling seahorse fry is wrong, we need to look at what causes this situation. Seahorses breed extremely easily by gmavrakis | Dec 22, 2014 | Fish, Funny, Opinion, Science
My FB Page: After spending years exploring the hobby through the Internet it is pretty hard to avoid the reef aquarium “know it all’s” and the hobby is home to plenty of jokesters. So, I took to social media and the Internet to find the best and funniest reef aquarium memes. Here is the best collection of reef aquarium silliness you may ever see. ENJOY by AquaNerd | Dec 21, 2014 | Corals, Fish, Industry, Invertebrates, MACNA, Science, Tanks, Technology
With Christmas about three weeks away and closing in fast, we’ve decided to compile our annual list of aquarium goodies that you can get the aquarium nerd in your life. This is a diverse list that represents different price points and different types of gear. Of course, this list isn’t all inclusive, but we tried to represent the most popular and most useful products available.