by AquaNerd | Sep 10, 2014 | Fish, Photography, Reef, Science
With the entirety of the aquarium trade forever under the judgmental microscope of anti-aquarium activists, it’s wonderful when good news surfaces out of Hawaii, the epicenter of the on-going debate. In this video from Hawaii News Now, which features footage from aquarium collector Ron Tubbs, reef fish are more than abundant in all areas of the state. The aquarium collector states that where he would normally see hundreds of fish, he is instead seeing thousands. Of course, there isn’t an accepted explanation for why this is happening, and some are giving credit to the warmer waters caused by an El Nino year.Despite the bloom in fish, anti-aquarium activists like Rene Umberger are raining on the parade. She thinks it will just fuel a greater appetite for fish by the aquarium collectors, though Ron claims that is far from the truth. Either way, it’s nice to see fish populations booming again. by Admin | Sep 9, 2014 | Conservation, Fish, MACNA, Science
Figure. Samantha Groene in the Rising Tide booth at MACNA 2014. My name is Samantha Groene, and I am a biological technician at UF-TAL. I’ve been with the lab for almost two years, but this is my first official introduction on the Rising Tide Conservation blog. This past week, some of you might have seen me in Denver. The annual Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA) took place in Denver, Colorado this year and I had the privilege of representing Rising Tide at the conference! This year's MACNA was quite the experience! by AquaNerd | Sep 8, 2014 | Industry, Invertebrates, Photography, Science
Well isn’t this just the scariest thing to behold? A fisherman in Fort Pierce, Florida hauled up a massive mantis shrimp while doing a little nighttime angling. It appears as though the stomatopod was hooked through the tail (there is a treble hook just above the tail in other photos posted online), and it was estimated to be approximately 18 inches. When the shrimp was pulled up onto the dock, it was striking at its own tail, presumably in an attempt to escape capture. So the fisherman grabbed it by its back like a lobster, trying every way to avoid the business end of the very dangerous critter.Scientists haven’t been able to identify the species just yet, but they are supposedly pouring over the images that have been posted online in order to get an idea of exactly what was caught.Images and story pulled from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Conservative Commission. by AquaNerd | Sep 3, 2014 | Fish, Science
In other clownfish news, Sea & Reef Aquaculture showed off their big ol’ offering of designer clowns, and if you’ll noticed swimming among the bunch is the Lightning Maroon Clownfish. That’s right, those gorgeous little lightning clowns are finally making Continue reading → by Tami Weiss | Sep 2, 2014 | Fish, Science, Seahorses
Written By: Tami Weiss | Date Posted: 08/27/2014 | | Is your seahorse floating? Gas in the pouch of seahorses is one of the most common ailments of seahorses in captivity. Knowing how difficult pouch evacuations can be for seahorse aquarists, we put together a video that shows how to do a pouch evacuation on seahorses. Many thanks to Momo Yang and his master editing skills in getting this put together. This is the first in a series of how to videos to come here at