by Gary Parr | Feb 7, 2016 | Podcast, Reef, Science
The Reef Evangelist solves theater problems with her reef skills.
We’ve returned once again. This week’s topics include magazines we read, Gary’s tank leak, LED replacements for T5 lamps, and the reef hobby in theater. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and ChristineSponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website
LED T5 replacements
Euroquatics E5 LED T5 replacements, Aquanerd
NameEmail * by Sanjay Joshi | Jan 5, 2016 | Corals, Equipment, Tanks, Technology
It’s been 2 years now since I started the LED experiment on my 500G reef. I replaced my 3 400W Metal Halides with EcoTech Marine 8 Radion G2 pro LEDs and I have been quite satisfied with the... by Marcin Smok | Nov 5, 2015 | Equipment, Industry, Tanks, Technology
Three years ago, I reviewed the Sea LED Light, Fluval’s first attempt to enter the reef-capable LED lights scene. At the time, it wasn’t a revolutionary light, nor was it a high end... by danireef | Jul 22, 2015 | Equipment, Industry, Science, Technology
Orphek recently presented a new LED pendant, the Atlantik P300. Designed specifically for large aquariums, it can successfully replace HQi 1000 watt... by Justin Credabel | Sep 11, 2014 | Science
I remember the excitement about ten years ago when LEDs first came on the market for reef aquariums. The energy savings and heat reduction of an LED light were the biggest selling points, but the available spectrum array was...