by Justin Credabel | Oct 1, 2014 | Corals, Eye Candy, ReefGen, Science
My most recent spiral graft is part art project, part science experiment, and involves a genus that I have had great success with in the past, Acanthastrea. I used two corals that originally came from the same mother colony; over the span of two years, one line of... by Justin Credabel | Sep 29, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Eye Candy, ReefGen, Science
I was recently going through pictures from my exploratory trip to Belize earlier this year. I was especially interested in coral that were growing in close contact with one another, and I took many pictures and videos of coral interactions.… by Justin Credabel | Sep 26, 2014 | Corals, ReefGen, Science
I love Cyphastrea; it is a beautiful coral, and one that I have had great success with, but one day I realized that I had been growing it for so long that the excitement was gone.  I didn’t want to stop my work with one of my favorite corals, but I knew I had to make... by Todd Gardner | Jul 18, 2014 | Conservation, Eye Candy, Fish, Science
What can it mean that after a complete absence of lionfish around Long Island, New York, for the last three years, they have suddenly... by Todd Gardner | Jun 3, 2013 | Aquaculture, Conservation, Fish, Sustainability
One of the most exciting things about my job is watching larval fish develop when I have no idea what species they are. I spend hours peering into my larval rearing tanks, looking for similarities between the larvae and the fishes in our 20,000-gallon coral reef...