Reef Threads Podcast #267

Visit the Coral Fever website at

Seth Drago of Coral Fever, along with his friend Bobby Miller, returns, this time to talk about how he handles fish and coral shipments and what he uses for a quarantine procedure. Much to learn about cleaning fish in this podcast. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Aerosol dispersal of pathogens
Aerosol dispersal of the fish pathogen, Amyloodinium ocellatum

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Reef Threads Podcast #266

Do you see what Jeremy sees when you look at this logo?

Things are a little edgy this week as we talk about horrible reporting, all-in-one tanks, and a little-guy victory. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Read carefully
National Geographic checks the facts at the door, Jeremy Gosnell,

Beating Monster
These college students took on one of America’s top trademark bullies – and won, Drew Harwell, The Washington Post

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Reef Threads Podcast #265

Where do you place your clams?

We’re back for more reef talk. This week’s subjects include a Todd from Australia update, placing clams in your reef, Project 365, filter socks, and all-in-one aquariums. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Placing clams
Clam Positioning—Inspiration from the Wild, Richard Aspinall,

Picture a day
Project 365, My Reef Journal, One Photograph Per Day, Urbaneks, Reef2Reef

Dirty socks
Why replace a filter sock every 3 days?, b4tn, Reef2Reef

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