Video: Gryphon C-40 AquaSaw

I bought myself this bandsaw over two years ago at the Denver MACNA. It was basically a gift to myself, but I never opened the box until two weeks ago when I started fragging some corals at last. It's pretty impressive, and hence I had to make a video about it.

Video: Alkalinity Monitor unveiled

Last weekend at MACNA, everyone wanted to see Jim's new invention, the Alkalinity Monitor. Here's my interview with him where he demonstrated and explained how it operates. A gizmo measures alkalinity all the time, and if so programmed could text you with important updates... interested yet?

That perfect lighting schedule – what you need to know

You set up your tank, buy some shiny new lights, plug them into timers and then wait... how long should they be on? What will match your routine? What about the health of your reef? Fish and corals in nature are very aware of the daily cycle, so much so that if you purchase a wrasse from another part of the earth, it will still be on that schedule. I've purchased wrasses in the past that stayed in the sandbed way longer than expected, emerging hours after the lights came on because their internal clock was still calibrated to the previous time zone. After a couple of weeks, it would reset so precisely that it would circle and hover over the perfect spot mere seconds before the lights shut off. Pretty fascinating to watch, I have to tell you.If you have a simple system with T5 bulbs, your options may be limited to how many bulbs you can turn on at a time

LED lights that make corals pop with color

I wanted to talk about LEDs for a few minutes. I've had the Radion Gen 2 over my anemone cube (60-gallon aquarium 24" x 24" x 24") for the past 12 months. As a light, it functions perfectly. Is it the best fixture ever? My feelings are a tad mixed, and I'll discuss why. The light itself provides sufficient lighting for anemones, SPS, LPS, gorgonians, zoanthids and even a T.