by Matthew Stansbery | Sep 17, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Fish, Invertebrates
Professor David Bellwood from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (Coral CoE) in Australia has published an international study aimed at protecting the most important species within a reef ecosystem. … by Matthew Stansbery | Sep 5, 2014 | Conservation, Science
Almost hunted to extinction the Blue Whale has made a surprising comeback said the University of Washington in a recent study. Showing populations numbers close to historical levels, the California Blue Whale population recognized by the study is the only population... by Matthew Stansbery | Sep 5, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Invertebrates, Reef
A recent federal assessment made on The Great Barrier Reef has scientists and communities alike shaking their heads. The effects of land use water entering the surrounding reef waters, among other human induced threats, is eliminating the chance for... by Matthew Stansbery | Sep 3, 2014 | Science
A new paper published by MIT has provided a deeper understanding into how coral utilize their external cilia in respiratory and metabolic processes. “These microenvironmental [findings] are not only important, but also unexpected,” says Roman Stocker, an associate... by Matthew Stansbery | Aug 19, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Fish, Invertebrates, Reef
The deepwater Horizon (BP) oil spill of 2010 has largely been written off by the media and its perpetrators as “dissipated” or “contained,” yet the affects of releasing millions of gallons of oil into the sea are still wide reaching, says a...