by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 1, 2014 | Conservation, Invertebrates
Newly appointed Professor Peter Ward, of the University Adelaide’s Sprigg Geobiology Centre is calling for a global ban on trade of the Nautilus sea shell. His efforts are stemming from a recent trip the Phillipeans where he found that the Nautilus is close to... by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 1, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Fish, Invertebrates, Reef
Scientists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (Coral CoE) at James Cook university have challenged a long standing theory of biodiversity through their latest Caribbean reef study.… by Matthew Stansbery | May 19, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Science
With the effects of global warming an ever-looming factor in storms worldwide, scientists from The Nature Conservancy have turned to reefs for a better understanding of the role reefs play in coastal... by Matthew Stansbery | May 7, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Invertebrates, Travel
In an ongoing effort to understand the effects of ocean warming scientists have made yet another breakthrough in determining which reefs are more susceptible to increases in temperature. Tracking patterns of decline and measuring recovery rates of reefs throughout 291... by Matthew Stansbery | May 5, 2014 | Conservation, Corals, Reef
Researchers from The University of Western Australia, CSIRO and the University of San Diego teamed up recently to discover how the corals from Australian reefs are coping with changing water conditions.…