ORA Announces Availability of Captive Bred Blue Fin Watchman Gobies

Oceans Reefs & Aquariums has been very very busy over the last month or so. Since the beginning of December, the aquaculture experts have released two new fish (the Eastern Hulafish and Yellowstriped Cardinal), along with a gorgeous algae and even a brand new coral. And they are continuing with their strong performance in 2014 with the release of yet another new fish, the ORA Blue Fin Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus fasciatus), which was just announced earlier today on their blog. Somewhat similar to the yellow watchman goby (C. cinctus), the blue fin watchman are only subtly different from their yellow cousins. Despite being predominantly grey in coloration, the blue fin gobies can take on a more yellow appearance, which of course depends on the environment in which it resides as well as other external cues. So, to better distinguish the two, you have to look at other key differences. The blue fin is a tad larger than the yellow watchman, and its dorsal and anal fins have more of a blue coloration to them (hence their name)

Reef Fish Larvae Guided Home by Scent

Until now, there wasn’t much fact concerning exactly how reef fish larvae can travel away from their home reef and still find their way back again. In a recent study conducted by Dr. Claire Paris, Professor at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of...

Reefs Magazine – Fall 2013 Issue Now Available

Reefs Magazine is pleased announce the release of their MACNA MEGA issue.  The largest issue of Reefs Magazine to date contains in-depth and wide-ranging material for all interests. The featured article is from our old friend Sanjay Joshi, who delves deep into the...