by AquaNerd | Aug 11, 2014 | Science, Tanks
Hey, you got Atlantik in my DIF. No! You got DIF on my Atlantik. Does anyone else remember those Reeses Peanut Butter Cup commercials or am I just a bit too nostalgic? Well, as the metaphor implies, Orphek is blending their lighting technologies, cramming the LEDs from their flagship Atlantik fixture into their DIF pendant. Now, users can have the same power and flexibility of the Atlantik v2.1 but in a much smaller form factor. The light will replace the DIF, which is being discontinued, and it will feature the same wireless controllability that is channeled through an on-board WiFi module and Orphek’s free Android app. Similar to the Atlantik fixture, the pendant will enjoy controllability across four different channels, allowing users to fine tune colors and intensities to get the right look with the right amount of light by AquaNerd | Aug 6, 2014 | Fish, Science, Tanks
Gracing the AquaNerd Picture of the Week this time around is the beautiful, yet not so reef friendly, Pakistan butterflyfish (Chaetodon collare). While we don’t have any personal experience with this fish, we have crossed its path several times at public aquariums all over the globe. It is a beautiful fish, no doubt, but its diet of SPS polyps and notoriously finicky nature make it a surprising choice for most public exhibits. In all of the displays we’ve seen the fish, none were in Acropora-ridden tanks, which means the caretakers must be providing them with superb attention and the perfect diet. The butterfly is known for its dark body that is highlighted with lighter colored scales. It’s boldly colored red tail and stand out sharply against the darker background, as does the fish’s vertical white stripes on its face. by AquaNerd | Jul 28, 2014 | Equipment, Fish, Industry, Science, Tanks
Innovative Marine is living up to their namesake this week with the announcement of the most well-equipped all-in-one nano aquariums on the market. They are bolstering their Nuvo Fusion lineup, going a little smaller to target those hobbyists who enjoy a beautiful yet insanely functional desktop sized aquarium. The new models will include the Fusion Nano 10 and 20, and despite their size, they will enjoy all of the same features of their larger brethren. That means a 10 and 20 gallon tank with low iron glass (an industry first as far as we know), mesh screen top to keep fish in, built-in overflows, a rubber leveling mat, and some impressive rear chamber filtration. And you know what the real shocker is…the tanks start at just $99. But the fun doesn’t stop there. As IM has done in the past with other aquariums, the lineup has been given access to some really awesome third-party upgrades. by AquaNerd | Jul 15, 2014 | Equipment, Science
There’s a new nano sized protein skimmer hitting the market really soon from JBJ USA called the SK-45. Ideal for tanks up to 45-gallons, this new skimmer was purposefully designed to fit in the rimless JBJ aquariums, specifically the RL-45, RL-30 and the RL-20. It has a total footprint of just 3.75″ x 3″, which also makes it a good candidate for other nano aquariums as well. As far as features go, the SK-45 uses a needle wheel pump with an adjustable venturi valve, a height adjustable outage pipe that controls the internal water level, a large column for microbubble removal, double media sponges, large collection cup, and a mounting bracket for rimless aquariums. On top of those features, JBJ is also offering a limited one year warranty and, more interestingly, a free media sponge replacements for every six months over a two year span. The SK-45 will officially launch in a couple of weeks, but if you can’t wait until then to get a glimpse at it in action, feel free to check out the video below. by AquaNerd | Jul 15, 2014 | Corals, Fish, Science, Tanks
Coral fluorescence is one of the many mysterious things that draws aquarium hobbyists to reef tanks like moths to a flame. And it apparently draws a lot of divers to venture out on dangerous night dives as well. Armed with intense blue lighting rigs, the crew from FireDive Gear took to Masbat Bay in the Red Sea to view various marine organisms, and the resulting footage just blows us away. Demoed in the annotated short version above, the clip shows images of the corals during the day followed immediately by a video clip of each of the fluorescing corals at night. The list of animals featured in the video includes a Tridacna maxima clam, feather starfish, hermit crab, a handful of different fish, cuttlefish, octopus, and a neon green carpet anemone. While the video above is a couple of years old, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share its beauty with all of you.