There’s a Lot to Be Said About a Product’s Packaging

When it comes to aquarium gear, we ofter overlook things like product manuals, packaging, and all other manner of advertising because we are far more excited about what’s in the box, than the box it came in. Companies pour so much money into each of these areas, often designing fantastic packaging, that it only makes sense for us to stop for a moment and appreciate their efforts. One such company whose product line mirrors their packaging is Vertex Aquaristik. They have some of the cleanest products we’ve seen, sporting simple designs and color schemes that jump right out of the aquarium. Their boxes share that element of simplicity, as they are clean and white with just a logo emblazoned on the front. Vertex recently sent us a whole bunch of stuff, honestly to our surprise, and one of the feedback items they requested was “how was the packaging”?

CoralVue Sinks a Small Fortune Into MACNA Booth to Show Off Elos Products

When a wholesale company acquires exclusive rights to distribute a popular product, there’s generally a great deal of excitement to be had. Such is the case for CoralVue, who recently struck a deal with the high end aquarium equipment company, Elos. But CoralVue isn’t just sending out newsletters to celebrate their new relationship. Instead, they are rolling out the red carpet and sinking a bunch of money into their booth at the quickly approaching MACNA. From what we’ve been told, CoralVue has already spent in upwards of $30K on their booth, and the event is still a month away. The booth itself is actually a “quad” booth, meaing it essentially takes up the space of four smaller booths. On top of that, tons of Elos equipment will be flown in to be put on display, and if the tanks are set up even half as well as those from last year’s show, we are all going to be in for a huge treat. Additionally, an Elos rep has been flown in from Italy to hang out at the booth for the duration of the event. We’ve spoken to the guys at CoralVue a time or two over the phone regarding their new partnership with Elos, and we can safely tell you that they are ecstatic about it. Not to mention, they hinted at possible better prices and availability on the entire line thanks to their purchasing power.

This Daycare Chain Uses Fish Tanks and Marine Decor to Preoccupy the Kiddos

Lobby area with huge freshwater display Child care centers are becoming a bit more creative with these days, especially when it comes to the use of technology and other tools to inspire creativity and help educate children. It’s not uncommon to see devices like iPads, laptops, and other tech distributed all throughout a particular facility, but Children’s Learning Adventure USA is taking all of that a lot further with their facilities. Instead of relying soley on the latest cutting edge technology to capture the hearts and minds of the kiddos, they’ve also incorporated large display aquariums and a variety of ocean decor items…and it’s enough for this aquarium fanboy to wish that he was a kid again. Located in several different states, Children’s Learning Adventure USA decks out each of their facilities with a ton of nature inspired items. Their lobbies are drenched in marine life, their play rooms sport various themes centered around jungles and other habitats, and some even have bowling allies that would seem to better fit in at a beach side paradise. Each facility has a welcoming library to encourage reading, laboratories with the latest tech, faux television stations, and a stringent curriculum that is based off of the latest brain development research. The company’s goal is to make you change the way you think about child care, but with all of the features, I’m looking for a way to get some after work care for myself. A bowling alley and aquariums galore, this place sounds like it would be loads of fun. Reading Reef Library with large display aquarium Bowling lanes with marine theme « Previous post Next post »

Aquarium Hobbyist Makes Lifejacket for Diseased Fish

Unless you’re a heartless Snorkel Bob supporter, you are really going to enjoy this heartwarming story about a beloved goldfish. Einstein, the fish, was stricken with a dibilitating disease that prevented it from being able to swim. All the fish could do was go belly up and sink to the bottom. The fish’s owner, Leighton Naylor, couldn’t sit idly by while the fish suffered, so he fashioned a life jacket out of air tubing to keep the fish swimming upright and off the tank’s gravel bottom. Naylor claims that the fish wasn’t too efficient with the buoyancy aid at first, as Einstein would swim into objects and get stuck. Because of this, Naylor made the aquarium a little more disabled fish friendly by removing a lot of the decor that only served as obstacles. Since the implementation of the life jacket and rearranging the decor, Einstein has been doing well. He cannot swim to the surface to eat, but is fed through a tube that is lowered into the water. It’s stories like these that show the more loving side of aquarium keeping. Most of us take great pride in our tanks and get attached to each and every fish we keep, regardless of what type of tank you have or how long you’ve been in the hobby. Story via: I F*cking Love Science and Buzz Patrol

True Facts About the Mantis Shrimp

Remember that infographic that was making the rounds about mantis shrimp a few months ago?  Well it looks like there is now a video with narration showing how awesome this invert is and giving you an up close view of all of the amazing feats previously...