by Kat Dhawan | Jun 19, 2020 | Equipment, Reef, Technology
It’s been 2 years since Kevin Costa from Hanna Instruments talked to me about the possibility of a Nitrate checker on a podcast I did for Marine Depot. They announced the upcoming checker less than 24 hours ago and I bet everybody is itching to... by ReefBum | Jun 6, 2020 | Equipment, Photography, Technology, Video
How to Live Stream With an Elgato Cam Link 4K Video Card - ReefBum Recent Blog Posts by Afishionado | Jun 3, 2020 | Equipment, Opinion, Technology
I am a huge fan of automation. If you have been following my work at all, you know that I have been extensively covering things that will make our reefing hands as free as possible, ad make everything more enjoyable.… by Afishionado | May 9, 2020 | Tanks, Technology, Video
Keith Berkelhamer, renowned aquarist turned youtuber, invited me to join him to talk about, reef keeping, my methods and philosophies, what I think are the most important things to focus on in reefkeeping, and what products that I am looking forward... by Marcin Smok | May 7, 2020 | Equipment, Opinion, Technology
“You get what you pay for”. We know that sentence all too well and our emotional response to the phrase is universally a negative one. But is it really fair to dismiss something just because its price seems “too good to be... by xeniaforever | May 1, 2020 | Corals, Reef, Technology
NASA invites video gamers and citizen scientists to embark on virtual ocean research expeditions to help map coral reefs around the world in an effort to better understand these threatened...