by Marcin Smok | Oct 19, 2015 | Eye Candy, Photography, Too Cute
As I was writing a more in-depth post about my experiences with both freshwater aquariums and saltwater tanks and what I love about keeping both of them at the same time, I kept asking myself- “Which freshwater fish would made a splash in saltwater... by Caitlin Nichole | Oct 5, 2015 | Funny, Science, Too Cute
Generally speaking, dropping an electronic device into a large body of water is more or less giving it an impromptu burial at sea, but if you happen to be around a friendly cetacean, you might just have a better... by Francis Yupangco | Sep 22, 2015 | Conservation, Funny, Photography, Too Cute
A photo is worth a thousand words. And you have to check out this mind blowing photo of a seal catching a ride on the back of a humpback whale off the New South Wales coast in Australia. At first look, it looks like the seal is surfing or almost walking on water until... by Austin Lefevre | Sep 9, 2015 | Conservation, Eye Candy, Fish, Industry, MACNA, Science, Sustainability, Too Cute
Renown fish breeder Karen Brittain, who made waves last year revealing a slew of captive bred Genicanthus personatus at MACNA 2014, recently had a larval run with Apolemichthys arcuatus, the Bandit... by xeniaforever | Aug 2, 2015 | Too Cute
Like many of you, my children have been surrounded by aquariums, plants, and a multitude of animals since (before) they were born. For them, it was a given that we spend part of our days tending to the things we love, and now, as they are getting older, they care for... by xeniaforever | Jul 30, 2015 | Conservation, DIY, Home Decor, Science, Sustainability, Too Cute
My children are fascinated with sea turtles. Those enormous reptiles that drift peacefully for thousands of miles on the ocean currents, observing the world with gentle eyes, have captured their...