by Todd Gardner | Aug 18, 2014 | Invertebrates, Science, Too Cute
I found this tiny octopus last week, clinging to a piece of sargassum weed 20 miles off the coast of Long Island,... by Francis Yupangco | Aug 17, 2014 | Funny, Invertebrates, Photography, Too Cute
[youtube] Aki Inomata, a Japanese artist, is taking art to a new level using hermit crabs as inspiration. Inomata used an abandoned seashell from a hermit crab who had decided to find a new home as her... by Matthew Stansbery | Aug 14, 2014 | Conservation, Invertebrates, Science, Too Cute
Scientists from the Universities of Bristol and Exeter and the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) CRIOBE in France have long understood that artificial marine noise can affect the ecology of marine life, but they now understand that propeller noise from boats can... by Caitlin Nichole | Aug 6, 2014 | Too Cute
Someone proudly displayed these adorable Nemo-themed kicks only to crush my dreams and inform me they were no longer available. After a few hours of scouring the internet, and digging feverishly through eBay, I came back pathetically... by Caitlin Nichole | Jul 29, 2014 | Too Cute
Woke up this morning to find this adorable little guy on my news feed! Actually – given the  flower on the mantle, puckered lips and rosy hue, this guy might just be a girl, but who am I to sex octopus... by Caitlin Nichole | Jul 28, 2014 | Science, Too Cute
I’ve been seriously waiting for this magical moment my whole life! OK, no. My initial reaction was honestly just “what in the…”, however, upon further reading I found it’s actually a really cool fitness concept developed by Anamie Saenz...