Reef Kids: Science Mini-Courses

Children learn and retain more when they’re engaged. Science and nature are fascinating subjects, with a seemingly endless range of subjects and depth of information to explore. With these complimentary facts in mind, Valerie Grosso, a PhD microbiologist and...

Reef Kids: Anemone Gardens

While spring may be taking its time getting here in the Northeastern United States, you and your little one can still create a “garden” to enjoy indoors!  The first idea, by blogger Lollies or Candy, was inspired by picture book illustrations of the...

Reef Kids: Backyard Beach

Spring will be arriving soon, and with it, lots of time spent outside. The most family-friendly yards have spaces for relaxation and entertaining, some beautiful things to look at, and (especially if you have little ones) an exciting, interesting place to...

Reef Kids: Seashell Candles

For those of us here in North America, summer (and the lovely, warm weather that accompanies it) is still quite a ways away. Candles bring a little warmth and light into our winter homes, and these easy do-it-yourself shell candles are a great way to use those...