Aquarium Based Exhibit Going Up at Lever House in NYC

Word is out that House of Fins in Greenwich CT is installing some crazy aquarium in the lobby of the Lever House on Park Ave.  Always known for their art exhibits, and being one of the coolest buildings in the city, Lever House is in a great destination surrounded by...

Travel Log – Buffalo and Bears

One aspect of the hobby that I enjoy just as much as the hobby itself is the travel associated with it. The road trips to see fellow hobbyist tanks and reef shops, trips to far away places in the US and even around the world.…

Fish on a Plane!

I had always considered myself to be a light packer, just the essentials.  Travelling over the past few years had added some level of complication to that.  Now we have two new obstacles to contend with- gear and the ever-present possibility that we will be bringing...

Divers in the Desert

I remember setting foot on my first dive boat.  I was happy to see that an entire wall of the boat was devoted to bumper stickers from dive shops around the world, since that implied that we were not their first customers, which gave me some...

Monterey Bay Aquarium Unveils Open Sea Exhibit

The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s new section opens to the public on July 2nd and from the details emerging it will really be a striking new addition to this well known aquarist destination.  Key to the new exhibits will be a focus on lighting techniques and up close...