Two new Club Resource Articles from MASNA

by | Aug 12, 2017 | DIY, Industry, Science | 0 comments

Reef clubs can be an invaluable resource for saltwater aquarium owners. The advice, frag swaps, events, access to information and new ideas, and camaraderie of these groups can help grow a hobby into a passion, and make the often-solitary endeavor a lot less lonely. A thriving club can be found in or around nearly every major U.S. city, but less populated areas are often lacking. If you happen to live in one of these club “dry zones”, you might have considered starting a club of your own, which is a fantastic, but often daunting, idea.

MASNA, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America, has just released two new articles, available to the public to read, download, and distribute free of charge, that address some of the challenges one will encounter when establishing a new club:

The Starting an Aquarium Club article ( teaches the reader the steps that MASNA suggest to take when wanting to start an aquarium club. These steps include thinking about the club’s vision, the type of club and the leadership positions, the bylaws and articles of incorporation, whether to have meetings and the frequency of meetings, the location of club meetings, membership types, raffles, advertising, and how to deal with membership issues.

The Club Accounting 101 article ( introduces the reader to the importance of the treasurer position within the club. The general duties of the treasurer position are listed, then a more detailed descriptions of these duties is explained. In these detailed descriptions, MASNA provides sample spreadsheets to use to help with club accounting.

Both of these articles are geared to assist new and existing clubs in getting set up successfully and making sure the club has a solid foundation to grow. The articles can be accessed for free at, and are ready for immediate and easy dispersal.*

In addition, if you would like to become a supporting member or sponsor of MASNA and their programs, please visit Your support will assist the organization in their goals to Educate, Assist, Support, and Encourage marine aquarium societies and hobbyists across North America.

*these three paragraphs taken from MASNA’s press release, by Kevin Erickson

  • As senior editor here at reefs, I get to work with scientists from all over the world, and have made some wonderful friends in the industry! I also write for the site, and am the office manager at FRESH New London and the mother of two brilliant, talented young women.

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