What I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving

by | Nov 23, 2017 | Aquaculture, Conservation, Science | 0 comments

Thanksgiving is here and it came out of nowhere! It feels like it was summertime just yesterday; now we are working on sales at our store and getting ready for the big feast with family and friends. Halloween has come and gone like a flash of lightning, leaving only some empty candy wrappers and a toddler who wants to wear her super girl costume daily.

My 2 year old daughter and I at a Halloween Party

This Thanksgiving, as always, I have a lot to be thankful for. The usual stuff makes the list: good friends, loving family, a business where I can hang out with my daughter and parents daily. I am truly blessed. But let’s get into the giving back part of thanksgiving.

I am so thankful that I can write blogs that people love to read. In school I was always good at essays or writing stories, but I grew up and didn’t think much about it. I started writing after my daughter was born, both on my blog “fishrfriends.com” and for the local newspaper. I guess once you experience childbirth you become pretty fearless.

I am thankful for this journey we are on with aquaculture. I can’t believe that the first aquacultured yellow tangs already turned 2 and of course we had a party.

The first Captive bred Yellow Tangs turned two in October and of course we had to have a party.

We have had Tango the tang for over a year now. (one of the first pacific blue tangs from the University of Florida)

Tango the Tang, one of the first Captive bred Pacific Blue tangs loving life in our store

I am so thankful that I have met so many people as passionate as I am about aquaculture. I am thankful for all of the universities and  researchers who work tirelessly  to make these fish available to the public. I am thankful to all of the companies who have products that help make captive breeding possible.

Here are two foods that are so important to aquaculture, I had to share how thankful we should be for them.

LRS is an amazing company that has some of the cleanest and best frozen food on the market. It’s not surprising that their foods are used by so many breeders.  Check out their impressive testimonials page. Link at bottom of page. Photo Credit- Larry’s Reef Services

When it comes to Larval rearing, Weaning is winning! TDO has helped transform and speed up marine ornamental aquaculture by being a highly digestible stimulating food. Check out their link at the bottom of the page. photo credit- Reef Nutrition

I am thankful for all of the people who breed fish in their basements as a hobby and have 9-5 jobs. They are making some amazing breakthroughs as well.

These awesome seahorses came from Holly Gudeahn, an amazing customer of ours who bred these cuties for fun! Anyone who has tried their hand at raising them knows this is no easy task. Awesome  job Holly!

I am thankful that I get to help raise awareness and funds for aquaculture. We do a lot of fundraisers at our store, from fish auctions and raffles to selling T-shirts, and most recently, a 2018 calendar all about aquaculture.

We held a couple of fish auctions to raise money for Rising Tide Conservation.

T Shirt Fundraiser to Raise Money and awareness for Rising Tide Conservation

Our latest Fundraiser is a 2018 calendar showcasing aquacultured fish to raise money for Rising Tide Conservation.

I am thankful for Rising Tide Conservation for not only helping with the actual breeding of the fish but for being aquaculture ambassadors. Education of the public is one of the most important aspects of aquaculture that often gets overlooked.  That is why I am very thankful and proud to be an aquaculture advocate.

I am also thankful that you took the time to read this, so I am thankful for you too! Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are some links you might enjoy:




  • Jen Lowy

    Jen owns a local fish store called Colchester Pet in CT where aquaculture is the future. She is always fundraising for aquaculture and raising awareness through her blogs. She is also aquaculture obsessed and has many species of aqua cultured fish including three of the first aquacultured Yellow Tangs and the Famous Tango the Tang (one of the first aquacultured Pacific Blue Tangs). She is very passionate about the hobby and wants fish to Thrive not just Survive.

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